Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 545
Strikes and pickets in Brazil: working-class mobilization in the 'old' and 'new' unionism, the strikes of 1957 and 1980
(Cambridge Univ Press, 2013-05)
This article analyzes the role of pickets in two of the most emblematic strikes in Brazilian labor history during the twentieth century: the 'strike of the 400,000,' which involved several industry categories in Sao Paulo ...
Reflexiones acerca de dos luchas obreras impulsadas por los comunistas: la huelga petrolera en Comodoro Rivadavia y la huelga de la carne en Avellaneda (1932)Rethinking two workers strikes carried out by communists: the oil workers strike in Comodoro Rivadavia and the meat workers strike in Avellaneda (1932)
(Sección Historia. Instituto Superior de Profesorado Nº 3. Villa Constitución, Argentina., 2019)
Decline in Unionism? An Analysis of the New Wave of Strikes in Brazil
(Sage Publications IncThousand OaksEUA, 2011)
Teacher strikes in Brazil and its representations: ""orderly disciplined class"" and ""education workers"" (Sao Paulo, 1963-1979)
This article analyses the teacher strikes that took place in the state of Sao Paulo ( Brazil). These strikes produced new representations of the profession and gave a particular visibility to its interest aggregation ...
Luta operária: trabalhadores (as) da companhia de fiação e tecidos alliança na "greve geral" de 1903"
(Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, 2016)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the context, the possible conditions for the outbreak of what became known as the 'general strike' of 1903 and the actions of employees of the Alliança Spinning and Weaking Company ...
OP29 - Barrette, Jim; King, Christina
Jim Barrette and Christina King were activists in the labour and Trade Union movements of the 1930s. See also OP 32.
What tactical repertoire to use in strikes and when to use it? Strategies of workers and their mobilization power in Chile (2010-2018)
(WILEY, 2021)
This research analyses workers' mobilization power in Chile through the joint-cost model, suggesting that wider tactical repertoires, and especially transgressive ones, tend to result in shorter strikes, as a proxy of ...
Huelgas generales en Mendoza (Argentina) en 1927: Una aproximación a partir de las huelgas generales por Sacco y VanzettiGeneral strikes in Mendoza (Argentina) in 1927: An approach based on general strikes by Sacco and Vanzetti
(Sección Historia. Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3. Villa Constitución, Argentina, 2021)
Pacto Social e Luta Operária em Schio
(Associação Nacional de História - ANPUH, 1997-01-01)
O presente estudo é parte de um trabalho mais amplo, o qual estuda o processo de formação e conscientização do operariado da cidade vêneta de Schio e da greve traumática que levou centenas de seus participantes a imigrar ...