Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
Wind Power Curtailment and Energy Storage in Transmission Congestion Management Considering Power Plants Ramp Rates
(IEEE, 2015)
The integration of intermittent generation in power grids, such as wind energy, imposes new challenges for transmission congestion management. In order to solve this problem, energy storage systems (ESS) have been proposed ...
Desenvolvimento de um algoritmo para detecção de restrição de potência na operação de turbinas eólicas
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEngenharia de ComputaçãoDepartamento de Engenharia de Computação e Automação, 2022-07-20)
In wind turbines operation the power curve analysis play an important role for monitoring the performance of the wind turbines. In this curve, the relationship between the power generated by the turbine and the wind speed ...
Risk-averse stochastic dual dynamic programming approach for the operation of a hydro-dominated power system in the presence of wind uncertainty
Operation planning models for hydro-dominated power systems usually use low temporal resolutions due to the excessive computational burden, thus ignoring short-term characteristics of such systems. As a result, in systems ...
Aporte de reserva rotante al sistema eléctrico a partir de fuente eólica. Evaluación del impacto sobre el sistema y definición de lineamientos requeridos sobre las herramientas de optimización.
(Udelar.FI., 2020)
Se realizó un análisis estimativo de los requerimientos de reserva rotante (RR) del sistema eléctrico uruguayo para el año 2048, año en el cual se estima según las proyecciones utilizadas que lademanda duplicaría aproximadamente ...
Optimization of Spinning Reserve in Stand-alone Wind-Diesel Power Systems
(IntechOpen, 2010)
Spinning reserve carried on synchronized units is the most effective resource available to the system operators for managing unforeseen power unbalances, such as demand fluctuations and the sudden loss of generation ...