Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 164
Willingness to buy and preferences of german citizens concerning protected ornamental plants from Bolivia
(Universidad de Talca (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasGeorg-August-University of Göttingen (Germany). Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, 2010)
Willingness to purchase functional foods according to their benefits Consumer profiles in Southern Chile
(Emerald, 2015)
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore differences in consumers’ willingness to purchase
functional foods (FFs) in southern Chile in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, consumer
knowledge, and subjective ...
To Buy Green or Not to Buy Green: Do Structural Dependencies Block Ecological Responsiveness?
Despite the significant increase in interest in sustainable business practices, decisions on
switching to more environmentally friendly input materials are understudied. In a conjoint
experiment, we presented 267 Finnish ...
Comércio eletrônico: variáveis que influenciam a propensão à compra
Este estudo objetivou verificar a percepção do consumidor sobre a relação entre as variáveis independentes: uso de dados secundários não autorizados, percepção de invasão de privacidade, percepção de proteção de privacidade, ...
Exploring attitudes and behavioral intention of brazilian consumers towards fair trade and fair trade products
Global sales of FT products have been growing consistently in the last years. According to the FLO, they jumped from less than €1 billion in 2004 to around €5,5 billion in 2013. Although the movement is still beginning in ...
Consumers preferences and buying behavior towards traditional food products in Chile: a conjoint analysis
(Universidad de Talca (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasGeorg-August-University of Göttingen (Germany). Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, 2010)
The National Alcohol Survey of Households in Trinidad and Tobago (NASHTT): willingness to support changes in policy, laws and regulations
Over 60% of households (HHs) in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) consume alcohol. These HHs were more likely to report illnesses, relationship problems, and ...
Mexican consumers'perceptions and attitudes towards farm animal welfare and willingness to pay for welfare friendly meat products
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Lerma, 2017)
Visual art and regulatory fit messages on consumer evaluationsArte visual y mensaje de ajuste regulatorio en evaluaciones de consumidoresArte visual e foco regulatório na avaliação dos consumidores
(RAE - Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRAE - Revista de Administração de EmpresasRAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2016)