Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 849
Biomass allocation patterns are linked to genotypic differences in whole-plant transpiration efficiency in sunflower
(Frontiers in Bioscience, 2017-11)
Increased transpiration efficiency (the ratio of biomass to water transpired, TE) could lead to increased drought tolerance under some water deficit scenarios. Intrinsic (i.e., leaf-level) TE is usually considered as the ...
A comparison between traditional ordinary least-squares regression and three methods for enforcing additivity in biomass equations using a sample of Pinus radiata trees
(Scion, 2020)
Background: Additivity has long been recognised as a desirable property of systems of equations to predict the biomass of components and the whole tree. However, most tree biomass studies report biomass equations fitted ...
Bio-oil production from microalgae by fast pyrolysis: study of the effects of biomass properties on product quality by using whole and spent-microalgal biomass as feedstock
A novel use for spent microalgal (SM) biomass following a biorefinery concept was study. The SM is produced after lipids o protein extraction to produce high value products. The thermal conversion of SM by using fast ...
Sustainable use of eucalypt biomass grown on short rotation coppice for bioenergy
(Elsevier B.V., 2016-07-01)
Bioenergy is one of the alternatives to reduce the dependence of global energy on fossil fuels. The short rotation coppice (SRC) of eucalypt species appears as an interesting option for forest biomass production in a short ...
Biomass production and essential oil yield in Ageratum conyzoides L. - Asteraceae in different stages of development
An experiment was carried out at Sâo Manuel Experimental Farm, FCA-UNESP, Botucatu-SP, in 1994 and 1995, aiming to determine the biomass production and essential oil yield of mentrasto (Ageratum conyzoides L. - Asteraceae) ...
Exergy analysis of syngas production via biomass thermal gasification
(International Centre for Applied Thermodynamics, 2016-09-01)
Biomass has great potential as a clean, renewable feedstock for producing modern energy carriers. This paper focuses on the process of biomass wastes gasification, where the synthesis gas may subsequently be used for the ...
Management of Eucalyptus short-rotation coppice and its outcome on fuel quality
Earlier experiments with young Eucalyptus short-rotation coppice (SRC) in tropical environment have not evaluated the quality of whole-tree biomass fractions, and as such their total energy potential is still unknown. As ...
Sucrose synthase determines carbon allocation in developing wood and alters carbon flow at the whole tree level in aspen
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2020-06)
Despite the ecological and industrial importance of biomass accumulation in wood, the control of carbon (C) allocation to this tissue and to other tree tissues remain poorly understood. We studied sucrose synthase (SUS) ...
(Brazilian Soc Chemical EngSao PauloBrasil, 2009)