Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 35
OP1 - Remy, Vivian
Vivian Remy grew up in Belmont and knew many of the prominent families and had a good recollection about this area
A secular age beyond the west : forms of differentiation in and around the religious field.
(Soft Power, 2014-07-01)
The article addresses the relevance of Charles Taylor’s analysis in his influential magnum opus A Secular Age (2007) to those parts of the world which are not included in the North-Atlantic world on which he concentrates. ...
OP63 - Slavery, Emancipation and the Shaping of Caribbean it Society: UNESCO Conference
Taped conference proceedings. This conference was organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of History, The University of the West Indies, St, Augustine. Papers were presented around the following ...
Mundos que se entrelaçam: religião e política na África Centro Ocidental (século XVII)
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilICH – Instituto de Ciências HumanasPrograma de Pós-graduação em HistóriaUFJF, 2018)
Condición juvenil, religión y movilización política en el Norte de África
(Universidad Católica de Colombia. Facultad de Derecho, 2014-07)
In this essay I try to show that the political and religious change happened in Egypt and in some Maghreb countries (Morocco, Tunisia) can be interpreted from a multiple modernities perspective. The central claim of this ...
Condición juvenil, religión y movilización política en el norte de África.
(Soft Power, 2014-07-01)
En este artículo intento demostrar que el cambio político y religioso que se ha dado en Egipto y en algunos países del Magreb (Marruecos, Túnez) puede interpretarse bajo una perspectiva de modernidad múltiple. El tema ...
O Islã global em perspectiva africana: memórias da Senegâmbia e do Magrebe em processos inquisitoriais portugueses (1552 – 1567)Global Islam in african perspective: memories of Senegambia and the Maghreb in portuguese inquisitorial processes (1552 – 1567)
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaPatrimônio Cultural, Paisagens e Cidadania, 2023)
Religión y espiritualidad, una mirada del estigma frente al VIH/SIDA: revisión literaria
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2012)
Religión y espiritualidad, una mirada del estigma frente al VIH/SIDA: revisión literaria
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2012)