Mostrando ítems 1-8 de 8
Imageamento magneto-ótico quantitativo em filmes finos supercondutores bicamada e com gradiente nanométrico de espessura
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Física - PPGFCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-12-11)
Vortex matter in superconductors has been the focus of research of both theoretical and experimental groups around the world.
When developing superconducting devices patterned on thin films one should bear in mind that ...
Shadow-angle method for anisotropic and weakly absorbing films
(Optical Soc AmerWashingtonEUA, 1999)
Speckle interferometric technique to assess soap films
An speckle interferometric technique to monitor the thinning process of vertical soap film before the film rupture is presented. The interferometric arrangement consists in a double aperture pupil optical system which ...
Speckle interferometric technique to assess soap films
(Elsevier B.V., 2003-10-17)
An speckle interferometric technique to monitor the thinning process of vertical soap film before the film rupture is presented -- The interferometric arrangement consists in a double aperture pupil optical system which ...
Determination of one-dimensional spherically aberrated point spread function in depth profiling by confocal Raman microscopy
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2012-08-30)
We present a simple experiment that allows the complete and direct characterization of the point spread function (PSF) in refraction-aberrated depth profiling experiments with confocal Raman microscopy. We used a wedge-shaped ...
Integrated photonic circuits based on plasmonic modes in microstructured optical fibers
(Medellín - Ciencias - Doctorado en Ciencias - FísicaEscuela de físicaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2020-11-06)
This thesis considers the phenomena associated with plasmon modes excited in MOFs, with a particular interest in higher-order plasmon modes and their coupling with propagation modes of the MOF. These multiple couplings, ...