Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 158
Analysis of Short-term Steel Corrosion Products Formed in Tropical Marine Environments of Panama
The phases and compositions of the corrosion products of a mild steel (A-36) and two weathering steels (A-588 and COR 420) formed after 3 months exposure to the tropical marine atmosphere of Panama were examined using FTIR ...
Mechanical properties of ausforged 27MnSiVS6 microalloyed steel
(Escola De MinasOuro PretoBrasil, 2013)
Atmospheric corrosion of weathering steels. Overview for engineers.Part II: Testing, inspection, maintenance
(Universidad de la Costa, 2019)
Atmospheric corrosion of weathering steels. Overview for engineers. Part I: Basic concepts
(Universidad de la Costa, 2019)
Corrosion behaviour of steel/55%Al–Zn alloy/paint systems exposed to natural and artificial environments
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2014-02)
The corrosion performance of steel/55%Al–Zn alloy sheets pre‐treated with 5% Fe (NO3)3 þ 15% H3PO4 solution, and then coated with acrylic (AC), alkyd (AQ), vinyl (VL), solvent‐based epoxy (ES) or waterborne epoxy (EA) ...
Five-year atmospheric corrosion of cu, cr and ni weathering steels in a wide range of environments
(Corrosion Science, 2018)