Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 853
Mixing processes at the pycnocline and vertical nitrate supply: Consequences for the microbial food web in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina
(Oceanography Society, 2018-12)
Little is known about the base of the food web that could support the high productivity and marine biodiversity found in San Jorge Gulf, Patagonia, Argentina. Here we examine the key components of the microbial food web, ...
Environmental and spatial drivers of diatom assemblages in the water column and surface sediment of tropical reservoirs
(Springer, 2019-10-01)
The relative contribution of environmental and spatial drivers of community structure has been the focus of many ecological studies. In the context of metacommunity theory, diatoms have been associated mainly with local ...
Desenvolvimento de um flotador por ar dissolvido em coluna de estágios para tratamento de águas oleosas.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2018-02-27)
A dissolved air flotation column - FAD, commonly uses principles of operation based on the operation of a gas-liquid fluidized bed. In the present research, a column scale FAD column was developed, consisting of stages, ...
Front-Eddy Influence on Water Column Properties, Phytoplankton Community Structure, and Cross-Shelf Exchange of Diatom Taxa in the Shelf-Slope Area off Concepcion (approximate to 36-37 degrees S)
In eastern boundary current systems (EBCSs), submesoscale to mesocale variability contributes to cross-shore exchanges of water properties, nutrients, and plankton. Data from a short-term summer survey and satellite time ...
Escalamiento de un proceso para biocolmatar un medio poroso expuesto a aguas de la barrera hidráulica de un tranque de relaves
(Universidad de Chile, 2017)
La aparición de filtraciones en la base impermeable de los tranques de relaves, por un mal manejo del tranque o movimientos sísmicos que afecten la distribución del material impermeable, presenta un potencial impacto ...
Dynamic behavior of naturally desiccated clays via resonant column testing at constant water content conditions
The surficial soil at a western region of Bogota (Colombia) is a sedimentary deposit of high
compressibility lacustrine clays with lens of sand and peat and overconsolidation ratios (OCR)
from 1 to 9 due to desiccation ...
The use of Sn(II) oxy-hydroxides for the effective removal of Cr(VI) from water: Optimization of synthesis parameters
(Elsevier Science, 2017-12)
The development of a novel adsorbent based on Sn(II) oxy-hydroxide nanoparticles and the optimization of main synthesis parameters was examined for the efficient removal of hexavalent chromium at low residual concentration ...