Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 290
Variation in the size of eggs of Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) at two colonies in Patagonia, Argentina
(Waterbird Soc, 2015)
Although several studies have reported basic information about the size of Kelp Gull (Larus dominicarius) eggs, no attention has been paid to the comparison of patterns of intra-clutch variation at different breeding sites. ...
Use of water-treated black tea waste instead of wheat bran in laying hen diets
(Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 2023)
Temporal variation of physico-chemical, microbiological, and parasitological properties of poultry manure from two egg production systems
(Springer Tokyo, 2020-07)
Egg production has increased worldwide and, consequently, there is a large volume of poultry manure generated. The principal egg production systems are the caged ones, namely the conventional and the automated. The aim of ...
Development of biodegradable and vermicompostable films based on alginate and waste eggshells
(Elsevier, 2023)
The development of biofilms to replace plastics is urgent, due to the high environmental pollution caused by the
non-biodegradable packaging. The objective of this study was to develop and understand the behavior ...
Temporal variation of physico-chemical, microbiological, and parasitological properties of poultry manure from two egg production systems
(Springer, 2020-03)
Egg production has increased worldwide and, consequently, there is a large volume of poultry manure generated. The principal egg production systems are the caged ones, namely the conventional and the automated. The aim of ...
Análise de compósitos poliméricos com reforço de agregados
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilTecnologia em Gestão AmbientalUTFPR, 2014-11-26)
This study aimed to evaluate the mechanical and flammability properties of composites of isotactic polypropylene strengthened with additives of manioc remains, sawdust and egg shells. The study included the characterization ...
Rendering fecal waste safe for reuse via a cost-effective solar concentrator
(IWA Publishing, 2017)
The goal of this work was to design a cost-effective solar-thermal waste treatment unit and evaluate its ability to render fecal waste safe for reuse. Three trials were conducted from December 2011 through February 2012 ...
Nitrogen excretion during embryonic development of the green iguana, Iguana iguana (Reptilia; Squamata)
Development within the cleidoic egg of birds and reptiles presents the embryo with the problem of accumulation of wastes from nitrogen metabolism. Ammonia derived from protein catabolism is converted into the less toxic ...