Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 165
Influence of wall load-displacement shape on seismic performance of wood-frame shear wall structures
The research presented in this paper investigates the influence of varying load-displacement shape on the computed FEMA P-695 seismic performance metrics including collapse margin ratio (CMR) for a subset of the woodframe ...
Seismic lateral movement prediction for gravity retaining walls on granular soils
At present, methods based on allowable displacements are frequently used in the seismic design of earth retaining structures. However, these procedures ignore both the foundation soil deformability and the seismic amplification ...
Influence of wall load-displacement shape on seismic performance of wood-frame shear wall structures
Effect of axial loads in the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete walls with unconfined wall boundaries
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2014)
About 2% of Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings taller than nine stories suffered serious damage in structural walls during the 2010 Chile earthquake. The observed damage involved mostly crushing of concrete, buckling of ...
Characteristics and displacement capacity of reinforced concrete walls in damaged buildings during 2010 Chile earthquake
About 2 % of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings taller than nine stories suffered important structural damage during 2010 Chile earthquake. The typical structural configuration of residential buildings is characterized by ...
Seismic behavior of slender reinforced concrete walls
Residential reinforced concrete buildings performed well during the 2010 M,, 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake. However, brittle damage was observed in reinforced concrete structural walls. The most frequent observed damage in ...
Análisis sísmico comparativo entre un edificio de placas de concreto armado y una edificación de pórticos de acero a través del Diseño Directo Basado en Desplazamientos.
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020-11-26)
Muchas ciudades del Perú se encuentran ubicadas en el cinturón de fuego del Pacífico, en consecuencia, existe una mayor probabilidad de ocurrencias de sismos que generen cuantiosas pérdidas de vida y grandes perjuicios ...
Consideraciones sísmicas en el diseño de muros de contenciónSeismic considerations in design of retaining walls
(Ingeniería CivilFacultad de IngenieríaUniversidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2023)
Seismic behavior of squat reinforced concrete shear walls
The behavior of reinforced concrete walls that exhibit the shear mode of failure is studied, through the results of an experimental program that included the test of 26 full-scale specimens subjected to cyclic horizontal ...
Guidelines for numerical seismic analysis of reinforced concrete axial-flexural elements
In this dissertation, the capability of different distributed plasticity numerical models to simulate the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) axial-flexural elements, namely planar walls and square columns, is ...