Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 263
Recreational cycling in a coastal city: Investigating lifestyle, attitudes and built environment in cycling behavior
Active mobility and especially cycling can play an important role in increasing sustainable travel behavior of urban residents. While increased recreational cycling can lead to further bicycling for other purposes, this ...
Analysis of Recreational Necessities and Interests of Senior Citizens from “Albergue San José Obrero” in Siquirres: Recreational ProposalAnálisis de necesidades e intereses recreativos de laspersonas adultas mayores del albergue San José Obrero, del cantón de Siquirres: propuesta recreativa
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2010)
Using functional traits to assess the resistance of subalpine grassland to trampling by mountain biking and hiking
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-12)
Functional traits reflect plant responses to disturbance, including from visitor impacts. The impacts of mountain biking and hiking on functional composition were compared using a common experimental protocol in a subalpine ...
Proyecto "MaskotApp"
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2022-07-04)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolló un proyecto de negocio, el cual lleva
como nombre "MaskotApp". Dicha idea de negocio se propuso debido a un incremento por
el cuidado y bienestar de las mascotas ...
Tourist physical recreational long walk for St. John of the Remedies of the Savanna of the KeyCaminata turistica-física-recreativa por San Juan de los Remedios de la Sabana del Cayo
(Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2019)
Caracterización de las prácticas recreativas de los niños y niñas de la ludoteca del barrio Uval por medio de espacios de participación infantil.
(Universidad Santo TomásMaestría Planeación para el DesarrolloFacultad de Sociología, 2017)
This article analyzes the practices, preferences and recreational needs that the children who benefited from the Ludoteca in the Uval neighborhood expressed through a space of child participation and identifies the ...
Pedestrian Walkways for Health in Shiraz, Iran, the Contribution of Attitudes, and Perceived Environmental Attributes
(MDPI AG, 2020-09)
Walking is important for improving physical activity and public health. The pedestrian walkways called Walkways for Health in Shiraz, Iran, present a high standard of aesthetic and design features which attract many people ...
Relationships among satisfaction, noise perception, and use of urban green spaces
(Elsevier B.V., 2018)