Now showing items 1-10 of 1465
Exchange rate measures: who judges the issue-IMF or WTO?
(Oxford Univ Press, 2015-03)
This article aims at adding to the debate on the impacts of exchange rate misalignment on trade. It is the continuation of an article-The Missing Link between the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary ...
Countermeasures in the WTO law and the principle of proportionality: A developing country’s perspective
One of the most important features of the WTO dispute settlement is the use of trade sanctions as a means of promoting compliance with the WTO decisions by Member States. Member States that were injured by the refusal of ...
The 'missing link' between the WTO and the IMF
(Oxford Univ Press, 2013-06)
This article is part of a broader study on the impacts of exchange rate on trade. It searches for an explanation on why there is no effective rule in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to neutralize the negative impacts ...
(Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Escola Direito, 2017-05-01)
The competition for world market shares involves not only companies, but also States. In fact, public policies are adopted in order to aid domestic enterprises to increase their share in the world market. For this reason, ...
Assessing the possibility of winning a WTO dispute before being involved
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2022-12-28)
Purpose: This article focuses on whether there is a chance to win a World Trade Organization (WTO) trade dispute at the consultation stage. The study suggests an approach to resolving trade disputes on a bilateral level ...
WTO: market and non market economies: the hybrid case of Chine
(Latin American Journal of International Trade Law, 2013-07)
This article will discuss the systemic challenges of integrating hybrid economies, and their NME features, into the WTO. It will analyze how the Multilateral Trading System has dealt differently with the issue with the ...
The future of trade and transport facilitation: implications of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
(ECLAC, 2014-05)
This FAL Bulletin analyses the implications for transport infrastructure services in the region of the future Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) concluded under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Particular ...
Trade facilitation in the mulitilateral framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
(ECLAC, 2001-06)
This article is a follow-up to the FAL Bulletin No. 167, in the sense that it considers developments in trade facilitation within WTO. Its focus, however, is exclusively on what has occured within WTO in this area. Emphasis ...
Wto principles and institutións. The challenge of regiónal trade agreements (rtas)
In an attempt to treat the aforementioned subjects, this thesis is organizedaccording to the following structure:In the first chapter, 1 analyze the traditional principie of nondiscrimination as a basis for the multilateral ...