Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Efficacies of the original and modified WHO-recommended hand rub formulations
The WHO hand rub formulations have been in use around the world for at least the past ten years. The advent of COVID-19 has further enhanced their use. We reviewed published efficacy data for the original and modified ...
COVID-19 and frequent use of hand sanitizers; human health and environmental hazards by exposure pathways
Till date no medication or vaccine is available to cope with the COVID-19 infection and infection rate is increasing
drastically across the globe. Only preventive measures and healthy life style with efficient immune ...
Evaluación de la efectividad de un sistema de visión artificial con capacidad para alerta, auditoria y análisis del lavado de manos en la unidad de cuidado intensivo polivalente de la FCV. Instituto del corazón de Floridablanca.
(Bucaramanga : Universidad de Santander, 2017Facultad Ciencias de la SaludEspecialización en Medicina Crítica y Cuidado Intensivo, 2017-06-02)
La higiene de manos es la principal estrategia para reducir las infecciones
intrahospitalarias. Su incumplimiento afecta a las instituciones de salud a nivel
mundial. El grupo de Investigación EMICON (Colciencias, cod), ...
Higienización de las manos: el cotidiano del profesional de la salud en una unidad de internación pediátrica
Objective. To describe behaviors related to hand cleaning in health professionals who work in the pediatric inpatient unit of a university hospital. Methodology. Descriptive study, in which the studied population was the ...