Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 54
Predicting web service maintainability via object-oriented metrics: A statistics-based approach
(Springer, 2012-03)
The Service-Oriented Computing paradigm enables the construction of distributed systems by assembling loosely coupled pieces of software called services, which have clear interfaces to their functionalities. Service interface ...
Projeto e análise de sistemas de busca na web
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2007-02-27)
Web search engines are expensive to maintain, expensive to operate, and hard to design. Modern search engines rely on clusters of server machines for query processing. Thus, the performance of parallel query processing in ...
Modelo de análisis predictivo para determinar clientes con tendencia a la deserción en bancos peruanos
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2018-12-06)
En la actualidad, el rol que cumplen los bancos en la economía del país y el impacto que tienen en las diferentes clases sociales es cada vez más importante. Estos siempre han sido un mercado que históricamente ha recibido ...
Modelo de análisis predictivo para determinar clientes con tendencia a la deserción en bancos peruanos
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2019)
A model for analysing data portal performance: The biodiversity case
Currently, many museums, botanic gardens and herbariums keep data of biological collections and using computational tools researchers digitalize and provide access to their data using data portals. The replication of ...
A model for analysing data portal performance: The biodiversity case
Currently, many museums, botanic gardens and herbariums keep data of biological collections and using computational tools researchers digitalize and provide access to their data using data portals. The replication of ...
Effect of longitudinal stiffening on the ultimate resistance of plate girders subjected to patch loading
Several investigations have shown that the ultimate resistance of plate girders subjected to patch loading is increased when a longitudinal stiffener is placed at the web panel of the steel girder. However, the influence ...
Sistema de información de alertas de estabilidad física en diques de relave
(Universidad de Lima, 2019)
Debido a la problemática actual donde se ven afectados directamente los recursos naturales por la contaminación de grandes extensiones de suelos y ríos, impactando el medioambiente, dicha contaminación son ocasionadas por ...