Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 318
Uncertainty Model For Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Using Weather Radars
This paper introduces an uncertainty model for
the quantitatively estimate precipitation using weather radars.
The model considers various key aspects associated to radar
calibration, attenuation, and the tradeoff between ...
Target detection using weather radars and electromagnetic vector sensors
(Elsevier Science, 2017-08)
We propose a method to detect a target in a bistatic passive polarimetric radar network, with weather surveillance radar as our illuminator of opportunity (IO). We build our signal model using electromagnetic vector sensors ...
SOPHy: Scanning-system for Observations of Peruvian Hydrometeorological-events
(IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021)
In this paper we present the current progress in the construction of the first X-band dual-pol mobile weather radar (SOPHy) in Peru. This portable mobile system allows scans in azimuth and elevation with a maximum range ...
Radar meteor studies at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory: what has been done and what needs to be done
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 2010)
Diapositivas presentadas en la conferencia organizada por la Stanford University, in June 30, 2010).
Weather radar data processing on graphic cards
(Springer, 2017-10)
Weather radar operation generates data at a high rate that requires prompt processing. The operations performed on data for weather product generation are repeated in each resolution cell and thus are naturally prone to ...
Study of Coulomb collisions and magneto-ionic propagation effects on incoherent scatter radar measurements at Jicamarca
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010)
In this dissertation, Coulomb collisions and magnetoionic propagation effects on the incoherent scatter radar measurements have been studied and analyzed in detail. The present study aims at modeling radar observations of ...
The role of weather radar in rainfall estimation and its application in meteorological and hydrological modelling —A review
Radar-based rainfall information has been widely used in hydrological and meteorological applications, as it provides data with a high spatial and temporal resolution that improve rainfall representation. However, the broad ...
Using non-spectacular radar meteor echoes to monitor lower thermosphere wind profiles
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 2009)
We present a new method of measuring lower thermospheric wind velocity profiles by tracking non‐specular meteor echoes in time. This approach relies on having a radar following plasma irregularities as they are dragged by ...