Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 65
Water footprint of lemon production in Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2021-11)
This work comes to fill a knowledge gap regarding the sustainability of the lemon industry. The motivation is the prominent role of the citrus sector in the economy of the northwest of Argentina and in the world: Argentina ...
Sustainability assessment of the agricultural water footprint in the Cachapoal River basin, Chile
Amid the growing population, climate change and decreasing water availability, water resources planning faces the challenge of achieving efficient and equitable water use, mainly in food production, its greatest consumer. ...
Water Footprint Assessment and Water Management within IndustryEvaluación de la huella de agua y la gestión del recurso hídrico en las industrias
(Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica, 2022)
Water footprint and virtual water flows from the Global South: Foundations for sustainable agriculture in periods of drought
Freshwater availability has decreased alarmingly worldwide, with agriculture playing a vital role in this trend. The assessment of the agricultural water footprint (WFagricultural) and virtual water flows (VWF) is fundamental ...
Water footprint assessment of lemon and its derivatives in Argentina: a case study in the province of Tucumán
(Springer Heidelberg, 2021-07)
Purpose: This study presents information on the water footprint profile associated with lemon production and its derivatives in the province of Tucumán (Argentina). It follows a life cycle approach considering both water ...
A temporal analysis of the consequences of the drought regime on the water footprint of agriculture in the Guadalupe Valley, Mexico
(Nature Research, 2024)
Changes in water availability have a substantial impact on the sustainability and maintenance of agriculture, with water footprint (WF) being a robust methodology to assess these transformations. The Guadalupe Valley is ...
A temporal analysis of the consequences of the drought regime on the water footprint of agriculture in the Guadalupe Valley, Mexico
(Wiley, 2024)
Changes in water availability have a substantial impact on the sustainability and maintenance of agriculture, with water footprint (WF) being a robust methodology to assess these transformations. The Guadalupe Valley is ...
Avaliação da pegada de escassez hídrica: um comparativo entre duas metodologias de pegada hídrica aplicada no campus Sorocaba da Universidade Federal de São Carlos
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sustentabilidade na Gestão Ambiental - PPGSGA-SoCâmpus Sorocaba, 2020-10-30)
The water crisis has been highlighted on the international scene. Although the water available on the planet is sufficient to meet the demands, its poor distribution compromises the supply in various regions of the world ...