Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 83
Perceptions on Connecting Respite Care Volunteers and Caregivers
The most common requirement for informal caregivers is to experience a respite or temporary break from their caregiving routine. Some initiatives have been undertaken to provide respite care through volunteer providers. ...
A Volunteered Geographic Information Framework to Enable Bottom-Up Disaster Management Platforms
Recent disasters, such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, have drawn attention to the potential role of citizens as active information producers. By using location-aware devices such as smartphones to collect geographic information ...
Development of a spatial decision support system for flood risk management in Brazil that combines volunteered geographic information with wireless sensor networks
(ElsevierAmsterdam, 2015-07)
Effective flood risk management requires updated information to ensure that the correct decisions can be
made. This can be provided by Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) which are a low-cost means of collecting
updated ...
Challenges in crowdsourcing geospatial data to replace or enhance official sources
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilICX - DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIA DA COMPUTAÇÃOUFMG, 2018-06)
Moradores urbanos demandam dados geoespaciais sobre muitos aspectos da vida contemporânea. As fontes governamentais
disponibilizam categorias de dados importantes, mas não necessariamente atualizadas, ou mesmo sobre ...
A geographic approach for combining social media and authoritative data towards identifying useful information for disaster management
(Taylor and FrancisLondon, 2015)
In recent years, social media emerged as a potential resource to improve the
management of crisis situations such as disasters triggered by natural hazards.
Although there is a growing research body concerned with the ...
Identifying elements at risk from openstreetmap: the case of flooding
(The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPennsylvania, 2014-05-18)
The identification of elements at risk is an essential part in hazard risk assessment. Especially for recurring natural hazards like floods, an updated database with information about elements exposed to such hazards is ...
Um template com metadados dinâmicos para documentar e validar informação geográfica voluntária obtida por meio de sistemas Web colaborativosA template with dynamic metadata for document and validate volunteered geographic information obtained through collaborative Web systems
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRMetodologias e técnicas da Computação; Sistemas de ComputaçãoMestrado em Ciência da ComputaçãoUFV, 2015)
AGORA-PL: uma proposta para desenvolvimento de famílias de sistemas colaborativos baseados em VGI para a gestão do risco de inundação
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPRCuritiba, 2014-10-06)
Volunteered Geographic Information, usually known as VGI, can
be a valuable source of information about the impacts of natural
disasters. This work is part of a research project about flood risk
management, developed ...
Joint use of remote sensing data and volunteered geographic information for exposure estimation: evidence from Valparaiso, Chile
The impact of natural hazards on mankind has increased dramatically over the past decades. Global urbanization processes and increasing spatial concentrations of exposed elements induce natural hazard risk at a uniquely ...