Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2793
Fatores determinantes do volume de negociação de ações ordinárias das empresas do setor de energia elétrica listadas na Bovespa
(BrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2019-07-10)
In the decision making process for the acquisition of financial assets, several tools and analysis techniques are used. And to attract a greater number of investors, many companies seek to promote sustainable economic ...
Análise custo/volume/lucro como instrumento gerencial: um estudo de caso em um posto de combustíveis do Rio Grande do Sul
(BrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2019-07-04)
Accounting as a provider of useful information for the analysis of the economic and patrimonial situation of the companies, has much to contribute to the small and medium ones, in which the management takes place in empirical ...
Aprendizagem do conceito de volume: uma proposta didática compartilhada com licenciandos da matemáticaLearning of the concept of volume: a didactic proposal shared with graduates of mathematics
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (Mestrado Profissional), 2017)
The complementarity effect: Effort and sharing in the entrepreneur and venture capital contract
This paper focuses on the relationship between the venture capitalist and the entrepreneur. In particular, it analyses how both players’ unobservable effort levels affect the equity share that the entrepreneur is willing ...
The role of financial media in share repurchases
Purpose - This paper examines the impact that financial media coverage has on share repurchase outcomes in the U.S.Design/methodology/approach - I perform regression analysis to examine how the volume of firm-specific news ...
The Effect of Trade Volume on Analysts’ Shares Recommendation ChoicesEfeito do Volume de Negócios nas Escolhas de Recomendações de Ações dos Analistas
(Lociedade Brasileira de Finanças, 2018)
Do trade agreements contribute to the decline in labor share? Evidence from Latin American countries
(World Development (ISSN 1873-5991), 2024)
In this paper, we explore the role of trade in the evolution of labor share in Latin American countries (LAC). We use trade agreements with large economies (US, EU, and China) to capture the effect of sharp changes in ...
Sharing Innovative Experience. Volume 3. Examples of Successful Economic, Environmental and Sustainable Liverlihood Initiatives in the South
This is the first of a series of books arising from a research project on "Good practices in the environment, social and economic sectors in the South" which the Thrid World Network has been implementing with the cooperation ...