Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 126
Conexión : relación estratégica entre GSK, farmacias y distribuidores
GlaxoSmithKline es una compañía farmacéutica inglesa establecida en el año 2000, sin embargo la trayectoria que tiene es alrededor de 30 años alrededor del mundo, puesto que esta es el resultado de una fusión entre Glaxo ...
Pharmaceutical care in Brazilian community pharmacies: knowledge and practice
(Academic Journals, 2015)
This study aimed to assess the pharmacist’s knowledge of the concept of pharmaceutical care and verify their practice in relation to this service. It involved a cross-sectional study carried out on community pharmacies in ...
Pharmaceutical care in Brazilian community pharmacies: knowledge and practice
(Academic Journals, 2016)
Availability of over-the-counter drugs for arthritis in São Paulo, Brazil
(Elsevier B.V., 1996-04-01)
Seventy pharmacies located in São Paulo were randomly selected and visited. Seven researchers posed as ordinary clients presenting with a standardized complaint of symptoms according to a scenario previously defined. the ...
Magnitude of the White-Coat Effect in the Community Pharmacy Setting: The MEPAFAR Study
(Oxford University PressPromoción y Prevención FarmacéuticaNueva York, Estados Unidos, 2022)
Pharmaceutical care in Brazilian community pharmacies: knowledge and practice
(Academic Journals, 2016)
Structural and operational redesigning of patient-centered ambulatory care pharmacy services and its effectiveness during the COVID-19 pandemic
Background: The newly emerged coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has collapsed the entire global health care
system. Due to these settings, a lot of strategic changes are adopted by healthcare facilities to ensure continuity ...
Knowledge and conduct of pharmacists for dispensing of drugs in community pharmacies: a cross-sectional study
(Univ Sao Paulo, Conjunto Quimicas, 2015-07-01)
The objective of the study was to evaluate the knowledge of pharmacists and check their conduct in relation to dispensing of drugs. This is a cross-sectional study performed in four municipalities from South and Southeast ...
Improved STD Syndrome Management by a Network of Clinicians and Pharmacy Workers in Peru: The PREVEN Network
(Public Library of Science, 2012)
Background: Sexually Transmitted diseases (STD) syndrome management has been one cornerstone of STD treatment. Persons with STD symptoms in many countries, especially those with limited resources, often initially seek care ...