Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 842
Lighting and violent crimes: evaluating the effect of an electrification policy in rural Brazil on violent crime reduction
This paper estimates the effect of lighting on violent crime reduction. We explore an electrification program (LUZ PARA TODOS or Light for All - LPT) adopted by the federal government to expand electrification to rural ...
Victimological measures to prevent violent offences for gain committed by children
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
Absolute Inequality and Violent Property Crime
(Universidad EAFITEscuela de Economía y Finanzas, 2016-08-22)
Rational choice models argue that income inequality leads to a higher expected utility of crime and thus generates incentives to engage in illegal activities. Yet, the results of empirical studies do not provide strong ...
A emergência da criminalidade urbana violenta na sociedade moçambicana pós-colonial
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - PPGSCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-05-08)
This doctoral thesis studies the relationship between crime, violence and conflict in the Modern Mozambican Society. This thesis aims to analyze the emergence of violent urban crime in the post-colonial Mozambican society. ...
Bases psicopatológicas do crime violento: estudo caso-controle retrospectivo de pacientes delirantes criminosos e não-criminososPsychological bases of violent crime: a retrospectiv case-control study of criminal and non-criminal delusional patients
(Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2008)
The dynamics of urban violence in Latin AmericaAs dinâmicas da violência urbana na América Latina
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2018)
What causes violent crime?
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 1998-07-21)
This study uses a new data set of crime ratesfor a large sample of countriesfor the period 1970- 1994, based on information from the United Nations World Crime Surveys, to ana/yze the determinants ofnational homicide and ...