Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 71
Misogyny in ‘post-war’ Afghanistan: the changing frames of sexual and gender-based violence
Although the US and NATO invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 was ideologically
justified under the banner of democracy and women’s rights, the latter issue
has been completely forgotten within the public sphere since then. ...
L’impasse de la guerre afghane : Une perspective du réalisme structurel
(Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales, 2017-12-11)
L’engagement des États-Unis en sol afghan découle des prétentions de ce pays à réaffirmer sa puissance hégémonique; cependant, les raisons du maintien des troupes de l’otan, plus de quinze ans après l’invasion sont beaucoup ...
Companhias Antropofágicas de Segurança no Sul Global: narrativas de privatização da violência e construção de ameaças na Líbia e no AfeganistãoAntropophagic security companies in the global south : narratives of violence privatization and threat construction in Libya and Afghanistan
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)
Why the issue of Bacha Bazi deserves international attention
(Universidad Católica de Colombia. Facultad de Derecho, 2019-07)
Of late, the sexual exploitation of minors has become a raging issue for several nations across
the world. Among these nations, the South Asian country of Afghanistan sees a disturbingly high
incidence of sexual exploitation ...
Por qué el problema de Bacha Bazi merece atención internacional.
(Universidad Catolica de Colombia, 2019-07-01)
Recientemente, la explotación sexual de menores se ha convertido en un tema caliente para varias naciones en todo el mundo. Entre estas, Afganistán, país en el sur asiático, ve un número alarmantemente alto de casos de ...
Companhias Antropofágicas de Segurança no Sul Global: narrativas de privatização da violência e construção de ameaças na Líbia e no Afeganistão
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016)
The Environment as a Factor in Small Wars
(Routledge, 2018-03)
This research paper analyzes the relationship between small wars, insurgency, and the natural environment. Existing literature and data are organized into four behavioral patterns: the resource-based wars accounts for the ...