Now showing items 1-10 of 29779
Deconstructing “The Equalizer” Beyond A Balance of Terror: The Equaliser
During the Calypso season of 1998 a well-known calypsonian, Singing Sandra, presented her major offering for the year at Kaiso House; it was the calypso The Equaliser, which like her 1999 smash hit Voices from the Ghetto, ...
Estratégias de enfrentamento de mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEs, 2013-02-28)
The aim of this work is domestic violence and coping strategies used by women victims of this violence. Violence against women can be characterized by the interaction of husband / partner to intimidate, threaten, make use ...
Computational model based on shannon entropy to analyze violence against women: A case study in Peru
(International Research Publication House, 2018)
Violence against women is a social problem that not only affects women involved, but also their relatives and their environment. In Peru, it is a topic that is becoming increasingly more visible. In this work, a computational ...
History matters, but differently: Persisting and perpetuating effects on the likelihood of intimate partner violence
(Taylor & FrancisUS, 2021)
Ecological models of violence center on systems (micro, meso, and macro) surrounding personal history of violence, but few studies properly assess the effects of personal history on the likelihood of victimization. Using ...
Psychometric Properties of the Dating Violence Questionnaire: Reviewing the Evidence in Chilean Youths
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2018)
School Discipline
(Daily Express, 2007-12)
This article discusses possible approaches to reducing the incidence of violence and indiscipline in schools in Trinidad and Tobago
The role of protests on the journey to a politics without violence
This article explores the relationship between protest, violence and the possibility of a politics without violence. It argues that protest is not only a valid but also a necessary vehicle for the journey towards a politics ...
Violencia familiar contra adolescentes de 12 a 17 años del Puericultorio Pérez Araníbar, período 2018
El presente trabajo de investigación, tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la violencia familiar en los adolescentes del Puericultorio Pérez Araníbar, período 2018, así mismo este estudio fue de tipo descriptivo y su ...
Violencia familiar en mujeres del Hogar de la Esperanza “Mamá Victoria” del distrito de Chorrillos, 2017
El presente estudio de tipo descriptivo y diseño no experimental, tiene como objetivo determinar la dimensión de violencia familiar predominante en las mujeres que viven en el Hogar de la Esperanza “Mamá Victoria” en el ...
Repercussões da violência de gênero: um estudo com base nas histórias de mulheres que buscaram ajuda
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Clínica - PPGGCCâmpus São Carlos, 2022-06-23)
Several studies show that the many different situations of violence are considered a serious public health issue. Among the violence types that exist, the one against women, understood as gender-based violence, is considered ...