Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 222
Does ridesourcing increase or decrease vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT)? A simulation approach for the case of Santiago, Chile
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2017-11-30)
Many authors have pointed out the importance of determining the impact of ridesourcing
on vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT),and thus on transport externalities like congestion. However, to date there is scant ...
Does ride-hailing increase or decrease vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT)? A simulation approach for Santiago de Chile
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Many authors have pointed out the importance of determining the impact of ride-hailing (ridesourcing) on vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT), and thus on transport externalities like congestion. However, to date there is ...
Does ride-hailing increase or decrease vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT)? A simulation approach for Santiago de Chile
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2020)
Many authors have pointed out the importance of determining the impact of ride-hailing (ridesourcing) on vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT), and thus on transport externalities like congestion. However, to date there is ...
High resolution inventory of GHG emissions of the road transport sector in Argentina
(Elsevier, 2015-01)
Air quality models require the use of extensive background information, such as land use and topography maps, meteorological data and emission inventories of pollutant sources. This challenge increases when considering the ...
A model for solving vehicle scheduling problems: a case study
In this work we formulate a model to solve a type of vehicle scheduling problem, derived from the operation of the mass transit system (MIO) in Cali city, Colombia. Four companies operate the system with 3 types of buses ...
Unifying criteria for calculating the levelized cost of driving in electro-mobility applications
(MDPI, 2022)
The Levelized Cost of Driving (LCOD) calculates how much it costs to drive a vehicle, per
kilometer, over the vehicle lifespan, and it is typically measured in USD/km. LCOD has been
widely applied to assess and compare ...
The sustainability of shared mobility: can a platform for shared rides reduce motorized traffic in cities?
(Elsevier, 2020)
Studies in several cities indicate that ridesourcing (ride-hailing) may increase traffic and congestion, given the substitution of more sustainable modes and the addition of empty kilometers. On the other hand, there is ...
Implementation of connected and autonomous vehicles in cities could have neutral effects on the total travel time costs: modeling and analysis for a circular city
Autonomous vehicles promise to revolutionize the automobile market, although their implementation could take several decades in which both types of cars will coexist on the streets. We formulate a model for a circular city ...
Development and reduction of a fault tree for gearboxes of heavy commercial vehicles based on identification of critical components
(John Wiley & Sons LtdChichesterInglaterra, 2008)