Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4280
Some ultrastructural observations of the vegetative, resting and excysting ciliate, urostyla grandis (urostylidae, hypotrichida)
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2009)
The plant cell cycle: Pre-Replication complex formation and controls
(Universidade Federal do ParáBrasilUFPA, 2017)
Reino Vegetal
The plant kingdom consists of multicellular eukaryotic organisms that form tissues. Their cells have a cell wall and photosynthetic pigments. They are terrestrial plants and adapted secondarily water (metalitas), vegetables ...
Mixoploidia em anteras de Paspalum ovale (Gramineae).
(Revista Brasileira de Genética, v.20, n.3(supl), p.86, 1997.A.102., 2011)
Mixed evolutionary traits of Tolypella (section Rothia, Charales) compared with Chara and Nitella shown by ultrastructure of vegetative internodal cells
(Elsevier Science, 2015-01)
The ultrastructure of vegetative internodal cells in a representative of the genus Tolypella (section Rothia)is described for the first time for Tolypella intricata. The most striking difference compared with the cells ...
The Vegetative State And Stem Cells: Therapeutic Considerations
(Frontiers Media SALausanne, 2016)
Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase production by free cells of Bacillus circulans DF 9R in batch fermentation and by immobilized cells in a semi-continuous process.
(Springer, 2015-01)
Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) catalyzes the starch conversion into cyclic or linear oligosaccharides, important industrial products. In this work, conditions to increase the enzyme production from Bacillus ...
Cytotoxicity evaluation of Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe fluid extract used in oral hygiene products
Objective. This in vitro study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of the Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe (popular name: zedoary) fluid extract, as used in preparations for oral hygiene, mostly for anti-septic purposes. ...