Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6873
Assessing the nutritional and climatic response of temperate tree species in the Vosges Mountains
Tree species distribution according to climatic gradients is often analysed through geographic information systems modelling whereas their nutrient requirements is mainly studied by experimentation. Using 325 forest plots, ...
Modern vegetation-pollen-climate relationships for the Pampa grasslands of Argentina
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2008-05)
To analyse the relationships between potential natural vegetation, pollen and climate in order to improve the interpretation of fossil pollen records and provide the background for future quantitative palaeoclimatic ...
Elementos de agroclimatología
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura, 1984)
Este documento presenta algunos elementos básicos y fundamentales de la agroclimatología, sin pretender cubrir todos sus aspectos. Además de evidenciar las relaciones de la climatología con la producción vegetal y la ...
Vegetation of Patagonia
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020)
In this chapter, we describe the major phytogeographic provinces of Patagonia. Emphasis is placed on physiognomic vegetation formations, internal heterogeneity, and degree of anthropic disturbance. Main vegetation formations ...
Climate, fire, and vegetation between about 13,000 and 9200 14C yr B.P. in the Chilean Lake District
(Academic Press Inc., 2000)
A pollen record from Lago Condorito (41°45'S, 73°07'W) shows that North Patagonian Rain Forest taxa predominated between about 13,000 and 12,200 14C yr B.P. in the lowlands of southern Chile, near the city of Puerto Montt. ...
Effects on the flora and vegetation of the extreme precipitation event of August 2015 in Alto Patache, Atacama Desert, Chile
During the extreme precipitation event related with "El Nino", which occurred in August 2015 on the coast of the Tarapaca region, Atacama Desert, rainfall of 50 mm was recorded at the Alto Patache Fog Oasis (annual average ...