Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 37379
Systematic Management of Variability in UML-based Software Product Lines
This paper presents SMarty, a variability management approach for UML-based software product lines (PL). SMarty is supported by a UML profile, the SMartyProfile, and a process for managing variabilities, the SMartyProcess. ...
Practicing operations management in a laboratory managementpRaticando Gestão de opeRações em um laboRatóRio de Gestão
Describing models of operations management is not sufficient to illustrate its dynamism, complexity and importance. The lack of proper balance between theory and practice in education regarding operations management suggests ...
Management zones using fuzzy clustering based on spatial-temporal variability of soil and corn yield
Clustering soil and crop data can be used as a basis for the definition of management zones because the data are grouped into clusters based on the similar interaction of these variables. Therefore, the objective of this ...
Analysis of Knowledge Management in the Context of Projects in Colombia: Subject Area: (Knowledge Management and Project Management)
This research work conducted a meticulous analysis about the Knowledge Management (KM) in the context of projects in Colombia, with the aim of determinate the way organizations carryout related activities and practices ...
Probabilidad - Variables aleatorias
(Universidad de Belgrano - Fascículos - Carrera de Licenciatura en Hotelería, 2014-08-29)
Al fijar las condiciones iniciales para un experimento se da lugar a dos tipos de
a) Experimentos determinísticos: se conoce el resultado. Por ejemplo: si suelto un lápiz
se cae.
b) ...
The influence of emotion in the management of amateur football organizations
(Frontiers in psychology, 2021)
The influence of emotion in the management of amateur football organizations
(Frontiers in psychology, 2021)
Predicting the temporal structure of the atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) for agriculture management in Mexico’s Coastal Zone
The influence of global-scale modes of climate variability on Mexico’s coastal zone is investigated through the analysis of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) effect on the long-term (decadal) behavior of three ...