Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11
A New Method of Human Burial during the Early Pottery Period in the Valdivian Basin: The Archaeological Site Siete Manzanos (Neuquen, Patagonia, Argentina)
Ceramic Technology from Los Radales 1. Late Pottery Period (El Vergel), East Cordilleran Sector of the Valdivian Basin (Neuquen, Argentine Patagonia)
Assessment of toxoplasma gondii exposure in carnivores of the Valdivian temperate Rainforest, Chile : insights from marine otters (lontra felina), american mink (neogale vison), and domestic cats (felis catus)
(Universidad Andrés Bello, 2023)
Toxoplasma gondii es un parásito protozoario de distribución global de importancia en
salud pública y conservación de la biodiversidad. Comprender los factores que influyen
en la exposición de los animales a T. gondii ...
Taxonomia e contexto geológico da tafoflora da Ilha Dufayel, Ilha King George, Península Antártica
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009-07-30)
Plant remains preserved in levels deposited between the end of Cretaceous to the beginning of Neogene are common in the northern Antarctic Peninsula areas, been found both in the marine and transitional paleonvironments ...
Taxonomia e contexto geológico da tafoflora da Ilha Dufayel, Ilha King George, Península Antártica
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009-07-30)
Plant remains preserved in levels deposited between the end of Cretaceous to the beginning of Neogene are common in the northern Antarctic Peninsula areas, been found both in the marine and transitional paleonvironments ...
New approaches for aquatic biomonitoring in southern Chile based on benthic macroinvertebrates community
This work aims to show diversity quantification within biomonitoring context. It was carried out in the lower part of two small catchment basins, representative units of riverscape scenarios, contrasting with respect to ...
Timing and structure of vegetation, fire, and climate changes on the Pacific slope of northwestern Patagonia since the last glacial termination
(Elsevier, 2020)
By virtue of its location in the southern mid-latitudes, northwestern Patagonia (40 degrees-44 degrees S) offers the opportunity to unravel the mechanisms involved in the initiation and propagation of paleoclimate signals ...
The role of climate and disturbance regimes upon temperate rainforests during the Holocene: A stratigraphic perspective from Lago Fonk (-40 degrees S), northwestern Patagonia
Climate and disturbance regimes play key roles in shaping the structure, composition and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite this importance, very few stratigraphic studies in the temperate rainforests from ...