Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 829
Pan Cayman House
(Dewitt industries Corp., Hollywood, Florida, 2009-02-19)
Description of the card is as follow: "Pan Cayman House - P.O. Box 440, Grand Cayman Island, British West Indies, 10 air-conditioned deluxe rental apartments, completely furnished, located on Famous Seven Mile Beach." ...
Planes Futuros
Along this unit the student will develop different competences
that will be useful for him to express different ideas about their
plans for their future vacation, therefore the student will learn
how to express plans ...
Vacation Sententiae del Tribunal Constitucional
(Universidad César Vallejo, 2015)
El Tribunal Constitucional del Perú viene emitiendo desde hace algunos años
sentencias que son Exhortaciones al legislador estas sentencias que declaran la
inconstitucionalidad de una ley, son las conocidas como ...
Vacation Sententiae del Tribunal Constitucional
(Universidad César VallejoPE, 2015)
El Tribunal Constitucional del Perú viene emitiendo desde hace algunos años
sentencias que son Exhortaciones al legislador estas sentencias que declaran la
inconstitucionalidad de una ley, son las conocidas como Vacation ...
Summer residence, Port of Spain, Trinidad
(Davidson and Todd Ltd., Trinidad, 2010-06-30)
The postcard shows guests sailing outside a summer residence on one of the islands off Trinidad.
A seaside resort, B.W.I.
A picture of a seaside resort. In this picture you can see houses nestled in a vegetative hill. You can also see people in row boats.
'Casa El Morro' - Zapallar, Chile (Teodoro Fernandez)
A privileged piece of property on the coast, the author's trade and the complicity of the client exemplify a proper relationship between the work and the territory. One level set on the slope like skirting and another level ...