Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 402
El cóndor (Vultur gryphus)
([s.n.], 2018)
Avian pox in a turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) from northern ChileAvian pox in a turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) from northern Chile
(Faculty of Veterinary Sciences - Universidad Austral de Chile, 2019)
King Corbeau - Trinidad
(Wilson Ltd., Trinidad, 2010-04-15)
Image depicts a large vulture, otherwise known in Trinidad as a king corbeau.
Pesticides: The most threat to the conservation of the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus)
(Elsevier, 2020-02)
Within human-wildlife conflicts, the use of poisoned carcasses to control predators has worried the international scientific and conservation community, due to the serious consequences it has on natural populations and ...
Foreign bodies in black vultures (Coragyps atratus)
(Universidad del Zulia, 2012)
What do we know about lead contamination in wild vultures and condors? A review of decades of research
(Elsevier, 2019-03-01)
Vultures and condors (hereafter vultures) make up one the most threatened avian guilds in the world due to a variety of human-mediated impacts and disturbances. In fact, 70% of vulture species are currently suffering ...
The perfect threat: Pesticides and vultures
(Elsevier, 2019-10)
Probably the most important threat currently affecting vultures worldwide is exposure to pesticides, both accidentally and through deliberate abuse. This is of special concern since around 70% of vulture species are ...
Vultur gryphus