Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 30
Morphometry and evolution of arc volcanoes
(Geological Society of America, 2009-07)
Volcanoes change shape as they grow through eruption, intrusion, erosion, and deformation. To study volcano shape evolution we apply a comprehensive morphometric analysis to two contrasting arcs, Central America and the ...
Morphometry of terrestrial shield volcanoes
(Elsevier Science, 2018-03)
Shield volcanoes are described as low-angle edifices built primarily by the accumulation of successive lava flows. This generic view of shield volcano morphology is based on a limited number of monogenetic shields from ...
Spatial and temporal volcanotectonic evolution of Santorini volcano, Greece
Volcanic and tectonic activities in the Aegean region have controlled the evolution of Santorini volcano, including changes in the shape and size of the island through time. Previous studies associate much of the island’s ...
Insights for crystal mush storage utilizing mafc enclaves from the 2011–12 Cordón Caulle eruption
(Nature, 2022)
Two distinct types of rare crystal-rich mafic enclaves have been identified in the rhyolite lava flow from the 2011-12 Cordon Caulle eruption (Southern Andean Volcanic Zone, SVZ). The majority of mafic enclaves are coarsely ...
Understanding a volcano through a droplet: A melt inclusion approach
(Elsevier, 2016)
This review paper is intended to be a guideline to novices on how to conduct research on silicate melt inclusions in volcanic environments, which analytical techniques are more suitable to gather the desired data and the ...
Collisional interactions and the transition between lava dome sector collapse and pyroclastic density currents at Tutupaca volcano (Southern Peru)
(ElsevierNL, 2022-11)
We describe sedimentological variations of the block-rich debris avalanche deposits and associated pyroclastic density current deposits emplaced around 1802 CE from Tutupaca volcano in southern Peru. We use these exceptionally ...
Selective sweeps on novel and introgressed variation shape mimicry loci in a butterfly adaptive radiation
Natural selection leaves distinct signatures in the genome that can reveal the targets and history of adaptive evolution. By analysing high-coverage genome sequence data from 4 major colour pattern loci sampled from nearly ...
Geomorphologic and Glacial Evolution of the Cachapoal and southern Maipo catchments in the Andean Principal Cordillera, Central Chile (34°-35° S)
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2019)
We present here a reconstruction of the post late Miocene landscape evolution of the western slope of the Andean Cordillera Principal near 34°20’ S. We base our analysis on the available geological information, a morphological ...
Textural evidence of fragmentation and densification processes in a fossilised shallow conduit on the flank of Nevados de Chillán Volcanic Complex
Eruptive style transitions are common in silicic volcanoes and an improved understanding of transitional controls is necessary for hazard forecasting. Examples of hybrid eruptions where both explosive and effusive eruptive ...
Aporte a los estudios cartográficos, composicionales y geocronológicos del campo volcánico monogenético Tapias-Guacaica municipio de Neira, Caldas, Colombia
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y NaturalesManizalesGeología, 2021)