Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23
Petrographic characterization and identification of temper sources in local ceramics during the Inca domination and early Spanish colony (Mendoza, west-central Argentina)
(Elsevier, 2017-06)
This work relies on the potential use of petrography to determine temper provenance and applies it to ceramics of west-central Argentina. Petrography is used to identify the raw materials, production technologies and, for ...
Monitoring ice-capped active Volcan Villarrica, southern Chile, using terrestrial photography combined with automatic weather stations and global positioning systems
Volc´an Villarrica (39◦25 12 S, 71◦56 27 W; 2847ma.s.l.) is an active ice-capped volcano
located in the Chilean lake district. The surface energy balance and glacier frontal variations have been
monitored for several ...
Rapid recovery of the beetle richness-elevation relationship and its environmental correlates after a major volcanic event in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina
(Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 2020-07-25)
Volcanic eruptions often modify the structure and function of ecosystems at large geographical scales. However, the extent to which species diversity patterns respond to these major natural disturbances is still poorly ...
Impacts to agriculture and critical infrastructure in Argentina after ashfall from the 2011 eruption of the Cordón Caulle volcanic complex: An assessment of published damage and function thresholds
(Springer, 2016-12)
The 2011 Cordón Caulle (Chile) was a large silicic eruption that dispersed ashfall over 75,000 km2 of land in Central Argentina, affecting large parts of the Neuquén, Río Negro, and Chubut provinces, including the urban ...
Materiales parentales de los suelos de la Llanura Pampeana: El aporte volcánico andinoParent materials of Pampean plain soils: The Andean volcanic source
(Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2020)
La mayor parte de los suelos pampeanos se desarrollan a partir de una extensa cubierta sedimentaria de depósitos loéssicos hacia el este y mantos de arena -campos de dunas hacia eloeste, acumulados principalmente en los ...
Recovering Fertility of Acidic Volcanic Ash Soils in the Araucania Region (South Chile): Impacts of Liming, Grassland Composition, and P FertilisationRecuperación de la fertilidad de los suelos volcánicos ácidos del sur de Chile: Impactos del encalado y fertilización fosfatada
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2015)
Contrasting Effects of Nitrogen and Labile Carbon Addition on N2O Emissions from Andosols in Costa Rica and Chile Under Controlled Conditions
Our study analyzes nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions of two volcanic soils, from a tropical (Costa Rica) and temperate (Chile) environment. Volcanic origin soils are important for dairy production in both countries and ...
Middle Triassic freshwater green algae and fungi of the Puesto Viejo Basin, central-western Argentina: palaeoenvironmental implications
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020-07)
Diverse freshwater green algal microfossils and dispersed fungal spores among rich terrestrial palynofloras were recovered from the upper part of the Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation, Puesto Viejo Group, cropping-out in ...
Eco-hydrological Functions in Forested Catchments of Southern Chile
(Springer New York, 2020-03)
Ecosystem functions in forests can vary significantly after disturbance, depending on changes in vegetation structure during succession and soil biophysical characteristics. We examined streamflow regulation, water storage ...