Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11
Historically Unprecedented Retreat Of The Viedma Glacier: Challenges And Opportunities
(Science Trends, 2018-10)
Fresh water is a scarce yet strategic resource. Its availability and accessibility have a great impact not only on human lives, as it is a source of social and economic development, but also on all living organisms on ...
Estimation of surface flow speed and ice surface temperature from optical satellite imagery at Viedma glacier, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2018-10)
The Viedma glacier is the largest glacier in Argentina and one of the most dynamic in the Southern Patagonian Icefield. It is a strategic water source. This study analyzes the interactions of glaciological variables that ...
Offset tracking procedure applied to high resolution SAR data on Viedma Glacier, Patagonian Andes, Argentina
(Copernicus GmbH, 2013-06-25)
Main aim of this work is to explore the suitability of high resolution SAR images for measuring ice flow velocity within glaciers. Available techniques for this purpose are Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) and ...
Detection of glaciers displacement time-series using SAR
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2016-10)
Glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate change. Particularly, glacier surface velocity constitutes a key parameter for estimating ice volume variations as response to global warming and its incidence in sea level rise. ...
El campo de drumlins, flutes y megaflutes de lago Viedma, pleistoceno tardío, provincia de Santa CruzThe drumlin, flute and megaflute field of lago Viedma (Late Pleistocene, Santa Cruz province)
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2013-03)
Un nuevo campo de drumlins, flutes y megaflutes ha sido identificado en el sector oriental del Lago Viedma (49º 48´ S, 77º 55´ O). En este trabajo se describen y reconocen sus elementos integrantes. Este campo de geoformas ...
Geomorphological evidences of paleosurge activity in Lake Viedma Lobe, Patagonia, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2019-02-27)
The valley of Lake Viedma represents one of the main ice flow axes during the Quaternary glaciations of Patagonia. Geomorphological mapping of the eastern sector of the lake, between the shoreline and the end moraine systems ...
Detecting glacier surface motion by optical flow
(Amer Soc Photogrammetry, 2018-01)
In this study, we assessed the feasibility of using optical flow, in particular, large displacement optical flow (LDOF) method as a possible solution to obtain surface movement data to derive ice flow velocities in a ...
Estimación del balance de masas del glaciar Upsala entre los años 1985 y 2016
(Simposio Internacional SELPER (17° : 2016 : Puerto Iguazú), 2017)