Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 333
Video reportaje sobre los grafitis de “Acción Ortográfica en Quito
El video reportaje habla brevemente sobre el grafiti y la manera en la que éste ha cambiado la forma de establecer una comunicación alternativa. En Quito nació un colectivo dedicado a corregir grafitis en los que se encuentra ...
Video reportaje sobre la sistematización de experiencias de desarrollo local de San Pedro del Tingo
The main objective of the present work is to make a video report that will contribute to the reconstruction of the memory of the neighborhood "San Pedro del Tingo", it will also show the traditions and culture so that in ...
Video reportaje de la influencia del fútbol en Piquiucho
Las comunidades afro ecuatorianas han permanecido en el silencio y anonimato, por lo que, el Estado se ha olvidado de ellos durante décadas, por la escaza comunicación entre esta cultura y la sociedad ecuatoriana. Sin ...
Video reportaje sobre la representación simbólica cultural del Pase del Chagra en el Cantón Mejía
This investigative work was carried out with the aim of making the different contents and symbolic representations of the Chagra Pass visible, in the Machachi parish, Mejía canton of the Pichincha province, seeking to ...
Video reportaje: función del periodismo preventivo ante una erupción del Cotopaxi en Sangolquí.
Ecuador, located in the Andes mountain range, is home to a dozen volcanoes, several of these active and with populations located on their slopes. The Ecuadorian population has become used to live surrounded by these giants ...
Producción del video reportaje sobre la película Algoritmo
Audiovisual production is an industry that is in charge of various artists and professionals, whose work gives life to stories that reflect realities or fictions to entertain and teach a specific audience. Like any ...
Video reportaje de la situación de la mujer en el periodismo deportivo radial ecuatoriano
Sports journalism is a profession that has been marked one hundred percent by men, since its inception, however, women have been making great progress in this field, taking into account their vocation, love and passion for ...
Vídeo reportaje de la adaptación de la obra literaria al cine de la película ecuatoriana “La Tigra”
Ecuadorian cinema isn’t consolidated as a strong film industry in the region, it must be considered that most of the film classics worldwide come from literary work. For this reason, the film by Camilo Luzuriaga “La Tigra” ...
Video reportaje sobre la gestión de la hipoterapia y sus efectos en el lenguaje y la comunicación en niños con autismo de la UER – Quito.
This research seeks to make known through a video report communication and verbal and non- verbal language in the context of hippotherapy treatment in children with autism. The benefits offered by hippotherapy in verbal ...