Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 277
DFT normal modes of vibration of the Au20 clusterDFT normal modes of vibration of the Au20 cluster
(Revista Mexicana de Física, 2009)
Effects of the Vibrational Motion Of Xhy– On The Post-Photo Detachment Dissociation Dynamics Of The Xhy Complex (X, Y = Br, I).
We explore the effects of the transition-state vibrational motions on the dynamics of the reaction
X + HY → [XHY]‡ → XH + Y with X and Y = Br, I. We performed simulations of the dissociation
process of the unstable XHY ...
Internal Conversion and Vibrational Energy Redistribution in Chlorophyll A
(American Chemical Society, 2015-12)
We have computationally investigated the role of intramolecular vibrational modes in determining nonradiative relaxation pathways of photoexcited electronic states in isolated chlorophyll A (ChlA) molecules. To simulate ...
Delocalization of vibrational normal modes in double chains: Application to DNA systems
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2008)
Vibrational energy redistribution during donor-acceptor electronic energy transfer: criteria to identify subsets of active normal modes
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020-09)
Photoinduced electronic energy transfer in conjugated donor-acceptor systems is naturally accompanied by intramolecular vibrational energy redistributions accepting an excess of electronic energy. Herein, we simulate these ...
Photoinduced Dynamics with Constrained Vibrational Motion: FrozeNM Algorithm
(American Chemical Society, 2020-12-08)
Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulation, analyzed in terms of vibrational normal modes, is a widely used technique that facilitates understanding of complex structural motions and coupling between electronic and ...
Signature of Nonadiabatic Coupling in Excited-State Vibrational Modes
(American Chemical Society, 2014-05)
Using analytical excited-state gradients, vibrational normal modes have been calculated at the minimum of the electronic excited-state potential energy surfaces for a set of extended conjugated molecules with different ...
Comparative vibrational spectra of pilosine and epiisopilosine crystals
(Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2010-06-01)
This paper describes the study of two alkaloids extracted from Pilocarpus Microphyllus (Rutaceae): pilosine and epiisopilosine. These substances have potential application in the treatment of several diseases. In this work ...
Vibrational spectra of pilocarpine hydrochloride crystals
(Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2009-03-01)
Pilocarpine is a natural substance with potential application in the treatment of several diseases. In this work Fourier Transform (FT)-Raman spectrum and the Fourier Transform infra red (FT-IR) spectrum of pilocarpine ...