Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 856
Free vibrations of AFG cantilever tapered beams carrying attached masses
(Techno-Press, 2017-03)
The free transverse vibrations of axially functionally graded (AFG) cantilever beams with concentrated masses attached at different points are studied in this paper. The material properties of the AFG beam, consisting of ...
(Polish Acad Sciences, 2015-12-01)
This paper presents experimental observation of nonlinear vibrations in the response of a flexible cantilever beam to transverse harmonic base excitations around its flexural mode frequencies. In the experimental setup, ...
Passive vibration isolation using axially loaded curved beams
A nonlinear spring element of a vibration isolator should ideally possess high static and low dynamic stiffness. A buckled beam may be a good candidate to fulfil this requirement provided its internal resonance frequencies ...
Passive vibration isolation using axially loaded curved beams
A nonlinear spring element of a vibration isolator should ideally possess high static and low dynamic stiffness. A buckled beam may be a good candidate to fulfil this requirement provided its internal resonance frequencies ...
Vibration analysis of rotating Timoshenko beams by means of the differential quadrature method
(Techno-Press, 2010-02)
Vibration analysis of rotating beams is a topic of constant interest in mechanical engineering. The differential quadrature method (DQM) is used to obtain the natural frequencies of free transverse vibration of rotating ...
On the number of cells for flexural vibration suppression in periodic beams
Vibration suppression is an important topic for many engineering applications. There are different techniques, typically involving passive and active controllers. However, it can alternatively be obtained by designing ...
Timoshenko theory effect on the vibration of axially functionally graded cantilever beams carrying concentrated masses
(Techno-Press, 2018-06-25)
In this paper is studied the effect of considering the theory of Timoshenko in the vibration of AFG beams that support ground masses. As it is known, Timoshenko theory takes into account the shear deformation and the ...
A two-dimensional analysis of anisotropic vibrating beams
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2001-05)
This paper deals with the formulation of a mathematical model for analyzing the dynamics of Beams made with anisotropic materials. The governing equations are solved by means of the finite element method. Some numerical ...
Large Deflections And Vibrations Of A Tip Pulled Beam With Variable Transversal Section