Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 125
Sistema de antenas para un radar VHF de vigilancia aérea
(Universidad Nacional del CallaoPE, 2011)
La presente tesis muestra el diseño y la construcción de un sistema de antenas para un radar VHF de vigilancia aérea a una frecuencia de trabajo de 150 MHz. Lo cual se desarrollo en su mayor parte en instalaciones de la ...
Sistema de antenas para un radar VHF de vigilancia aérea
(Universidad Nacional del CallaoPE, 2011)
La presente tesis muestra el diseño y la construcción de un sistema de antenas para un radar VHF de vigilancia aérea a una frecuencia de trabajo de 150 MHz. Lo cual se desarrollo en su mayor parte en instalaciones de la ...
Radar/ MST and ST radars and wind profilers
(Academic Press, 2002-12)
To qualify as an MST radar, the system has to be capable of obtaining echoes from the mesosphere. This requirement limits the frequency range of these radars to the lower frequencies of the VHF band, i.e., between 30 and ...
First observation of the upper stratospheric vertical wind velocities using the Jicamarca VHF radar
(American Geophysical Union, 1993-10)
The Jicamarca VHF radar (50 MHz) has detected atmospheric echoes in the so-called "gap region" from 30 to 60 km heights. These echoes are, for the first time, discriminated from clutter echoes, using both co-polarized ( ...
Synthetic aperture radar observations with the Humboldt VHF ship-borne radar
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 2001)
Motivated by the interest to study PMSE in Antarctica and Equatorial Electrojet along the southern Peruvian coasts, a VHF radar was developed and installed in 1998 by the Jicamarca Radar Observatory group on board the ...
High-resolution observations of mesospheric layers with the Jicamarca VHF Radar
(Elsevier, 2007)
We report new results from the 50-MHz Jicamarca radar in Peru (12°S, 77°W), which is able to observe backscatter from the daytime mesosphere on any given day. Since 2005, the radar has been operated in a high-power MST-ISR ...
Gravity waves observed by the Jicamarca VHF radar in the equatorial upper stratosphere
Internal gravity waves are known to play an important role in dynamics of the middle atmosphere. They can transport momentum flux from lower atmosphere to upper atmosphere and sometimes break mean flows or large-scale ...
Ship-borne VHF radar for mesospheric and ionospheric research
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca, 2000)
This paper describes a VHF coherent radar installed on board the Peruvian research vessel "Humboldt". The system has been designed and developed at Jicamarca Radio Observatory. The radar's antenna is a COCO array of 21 x ...
Using vertically pointing broad beam to measure atmospheric aspect sensitivity of VHF radar echoes
Conventionally, atmospheric aspect sensitivlty of VHF radar echoes is measured using a narrow beam radar in order to avoid the complications due to broad beam effects. However, in this study, a new technique using beam ...
The SOUSY-VHF-Radar for tropo-, strato- and mesospheric sounding
(Max-Planck-Institute für Aeronomie, 1976-07)
The development of a VHF-radar in the Harz mountains (F.R.G.) for the study of the dynamics at tropospheric, stratospheric and mesospheric heights was motivated mainly by the question to what extent dynamic processes in ...