Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5861
Desarrollo de una interfaz humano-computador mediante la animación de avatares generados a partir de fotogrametría
This work presents the development of a Human-Computer interface. The design of the mobile application for emotional training is shown, the development of two avatars generated from photogrammetry techniques, as well as ...
Diseño e implementación de un sistema para la interacción Avatar - Persona
In this technical project was proposed the design and development of a system that allows the basic interaction between a person and a virtual agent (avatar), through the integration of an animation software and a programming ...
Interfaz de control para un brazo robot articulado basado en software de desarrollo integral
The project is a collection of conceptual information about industrial robotics, its impact on industry, society and the main components that are part of industrial robotic devices, making emphasis on the types of programming ...
Moodle: uma abordagem focada na experiência do usuário
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPonta GrossaBrasilTecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de SistemasUTFPR, 2021-09-01)
Modelamiento y simulación del ojo humano para establecer una correlación entre el aumento de la presión intraocular y el grosor central de la córnea
This is a work in the mathematical analysis, to establish a mathematical correlation in the increase of the intraocular pressure and the central thickness of the cornea, applying different mathematical techniques, our ...
Diseño de un sistema prototipo de diálogo persona-máquina basado en la arquitectura BERT
This paper presents a prototype human-machine dialogue system by developing interfaces in two software packages for the analysis of the response to the system. The design of these graphical interfaces in each software, the ...