Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2561
A conjoint analysis framework for evaluating user preferences in machine translation
Despite much research on machine translation (MT) evaluation, there is surprisingly little work that directly measures users' intuitive or emotional preferences regarding different types of MT errors. However, the elicitation ...
A heuristic search approach to planning with temporally extended preferences
Planning with preferences involves not only finding a plan that achieves the goal, it requires finding a preferred plan that achieves the goal, where preferences over plans are specified as part of the planner's input. In ...
Combining occupancy user profiles in a multi-user environment: An academic office case study
In a worldwide context, space heating is the largest energy consumer in commercial buildings, it accounts for 35% of the total energy consumed in the US. Energy efficient thermostats, that learn occupancy patterns and user ...
A model for personal assistance in complex information spaces
(Wiley Interscience, 2008)
An explicit evolutionary approach for multiobjective energy consumption planning considering user preferences in smart homes
(Growing Science, 2021-05-12)
Modern Smart Cities are highly dependent on an efficient energy service since electricity is used in an increasing number of urban activities. In this regard, Time-of-Use prices for electricity is a widely implemented ...
Use of a card game tool to capture end users’ preferences and add sustainability value to social housing projects
(ANTAC - Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído, 2019)
Travel preferences of public transport users under uneven headways
Public transport is affected by different types of randomness which impact the reliability they offer. The source of this randomness may come, for example, from casual uncertainty sources, such as accidents or protests, ...
Modeling interests of Web users for recommendation: A user profiling approach and trends
(Springer Verlag Berlín, 2008)
In order to personalize Web-based tasks, personal agents rely on representations of user interests and preferences contained in user profiles. In consequence, a critical component for these agents is their capacity to ...
Building respectful interface agents
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010-04)
To provide personalized assistance to users, interface agents have to learn not only a user's preferences and interests with respect to a software application, but also when and how the user prefers to be assisted. Interface ...
Lighting preferences in individual offices
(ANTAC - Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído, 2016)