Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 116
Distribuição e Possível Origem de Metais Pesados nos Sedimentos de Fundo ao Longo da Bacia do Alto Rio Tietê: Aplicação da Normalização Geoquímica Sucessiva
Geochemical analyses of major heavy metals were conducted on vertical profiles of riverbed sediments from upper Tietê river basin to determine the possible elemental sources. The applied method involved a successive ...
Mapeamento de arraias fluviais do gênero Potamotrygon no rio Tietê, Estado de São Paulo
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-12-01)
As arraias fluviais são peixes adaptados às águas dos rios e lagos e são encontradas nas bacias hidrográficas da América do Sul. A expansão da família zoológica no médio e alto rio Paraná iniciou-se após o represamento do ...
Heavy metal distribution in recent sediments along the Tiete River basin (Sao Pauro, Brazil)
The distribution of heavy metals in recent sediments deposited along the Tiete River, a highly polluted river in southeast region of Brazil was studied. Around the metropolitan area of Silo Paulo city (25 million people), ...
Heavy metal distribution in the bottom sediments along Tietê River BasinDistribuição de metais pesados nos sedimentos de fundo ao longo da bacia do Rio Tietê
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2010)
Ichthyofaunal survey of the Riacho Goulart, tributary of the Tiete River (upper Parana basin).
Fishes assessed in the present study were collected in the Riacho Goulart, a small tributary of Tiete River, upper Parana basin. In order to sample different habitats, four collection sites were selected. A total of 1,241 ...
Ichthyofaunal survey of the Riacho Goulart, tributary of the Tiete River (upper Parana basin).
Fishes assessed in the present study were collected in the Riacho Goulart, a small tributary of Tiete River, upper Parana basin. In order to sample different habitats, four collection sites were selected. A total of 1,241 ...
Ichthyofaunal survey of the Riacho Goulart, tributary of the Tietê River (upper Paraná basin)
Fishes assessed in the present study were collected in the Riacho Goulart, a small tributary of Tietê River, upper Paraná basin. In order to sample different habitats, four collection sites were selected. A total of 1,241 ...
Composition of the Ant Fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Public Squares in Southern Brazil
The composition of the ant fauna was examined in public squares of three municipalities that compose the hydrographic basin of the Upper Tiete River: Biritiba Mirim, Salesopolis, and Mogi das Cruzes. Richness, frequency ...
Longitudinal Distribution Of The Ichthyofauna In A Tributary Of Tietê River With Sources On The Basaltic Cuestas Of Sãopaulo, Southeastern BrazilDistribuição Longitudinal Da Ictiofauna De Um Tributário Do Rio Tietê Com Nascentes Nas Cuestas Basalticas Do Estado De São Paulo, Sudeste Do Brasil
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP, 2016)