Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 76
Catastrophic, rainfall-induced debris flows in Andean villages of Tarapacá, Atacama Desert, northern Chile
(Springer-Verlag, 2014)
In March 2012, during the rainy season in the Altiplano
plateau, a >100-year return period rainfall event affected the deeply
incised valleys of the Precordillera of the Tarapacá Region,
northern Chile. This extreme ...
A new rain-operated seed dispersal mechanism in Bertolonia mosenii (Melastomataceae), a Neotropical rainforest herb
Although widespread among fungi, lichens, liverworts, and mosses, seed dispersal mechanisms operated by rain are unusual among flowering plants. Generally speaking, two mechanisms are involved in seed dispersal by rains: ...
A new rain-operated seed dispersal mechanism in Bertolonia mosenii (Melastomataceae), a Neotropical rainforest herb
Although widespread among fungi, lichens, liverworts, and mosses, seed dispersal mechanisms operated by rain are unusual among flowering plants. Generally speaking, two mechanisms are involved in seed dispersal by rains: ...
The flood recession period in western Amazonia and its variability during the 1985–2015 period
(Elsevier, 2018-02)
Study region The upper Amazon River, where the water level measured at the Tamshiyacu station (Peru) shows seasonal variability of seven meters. Study focus Key parameters for the flood recession period (beginning, end and ...
El Nino-southern oscillation-driven rainfall variability and delayed density dependence cause rodent outbreaks in western South America: Linking demography and population dynamics
It is well known that some rodent populations display dramatic density fluctuations in semiarid regions of western South America after the unusual rainfall levels associated with El Nino-southern oscillation (ENSO) ...
Post-dispersal fate of seeds in the Monte desert of Argentina: patterns of germination in successive wet and dry years
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2000-12)
1 Patterns of seed germination of grass and forb species were studied in open Prosopis woodland of the central Monte desert (Argentina) during several years, to test the hypotheses that (i) seed germination is positively ...