Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 220
Three-Body Protonium Formation in a Collision Between a Slow Antiproton (p) and Muonic Hydrogen: Hμ—Low Energy p + (pμ)1s→(pp)1s+ μ Reaction
A bound state of a proton, p, and its counterpart antiproton, (Formula presented.), is a protonium atom (Formula presented.). The following three-charge-particle reaction: (Formula presented.)- is considered in this work, ...
Panorama Should Pay
(Daily Express, 24-Feb-79)
In this editorial, it states that the marriage of convenience between the government-sponsored Carnival Development Committee and Pan Trinbago, which represents steelbands, is an uneasy one. A formula must be found and ...
Determination of unknown thermal coefficients in a Stefan problem for Storm’s type materials
(Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 2018-09)
We consider a nonlinear one-dimensional Stefan problem for a semi-infinite material x> 0 , with phase change temperature Tf. We assume that the heat capacity and the thermal conductivity satisfy a Storm’s condition. A ...
School Funding Formulas : Review of Main Characteristics and Impacts
(OECD, 2012-05)
This study provides a literature review on school funding formulas across OECD countries. It looks at three salient questions from a comparative perspective: i) What kind of school formula funding schemes exist and how are ...
School Funding Formulas : Review of Main Characteristics and Impacts
(OECD, 2012-05)
This study provides a literature review on school funding formulas across OECD countries. It looks at three salient questions from a comparative perspective: i) What kind of school formula funding schemes exist and how are ...
Determination of One Unknown Thermal Coefficient through a Mushy Zone Model with a Convective Overspecified Boundary Condition
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015-06)
A semi-infinite material under a solidification process with the Solomon-Wilson-Alexiades mushy zone model with a heat flux condition at the fixed boundary is considered. The associated free boundary problem is overspecified ...
Simultaneous determination of two unknown thermal coefficients through a mushy zone model with an overspecified convective boundary condition
(Pushpa Publishing House, 2016-05)
We have considered the simultaneous determination of two unknown thermal coefficients for a semi-infinite material which was under a phase-change process with a mushy zone according to the model of Solomon, Wilson and ...
Regularity properties for p-dead core problems and their asymptotic limit as p to infinity
(Oxford University Press, 2019-02)
We study regularity issues and the limiting behavior as (Formula presented.) of non-negative solutions for elliptic equations of (Formula presented.) Laplacian type ((Formula presented.)) with a strong absorption: (Formula ...