Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2774
Imagining Future Internship in Professional Psychology: A Study on University Students’ Representations
This paper presents a case study of 213 university students of Clinical Psychology that explores affective symbolizations, which structure their relationship with hosting bodies in internship experience. This is in order ...
“A backdrop for psychotherapy”: Carl R. Rogers, psychological testing, and the psycho-educational clinic at Columbia University’s Teachers College (1924–1935)
(American Psychological Association, 2021-11)
Carl Rogers’ work in clinical psychology and psychotherapy has been as influential as it is vast and varied. However, as a topic of historical inquiry Rogers’ approach to clinical psychology is beset by historiographical ...
An approach to professional ethos in beginning psychology students centered into professional training
Between 2008 and 2010 the impact of four learning modules on the ethics of clinical and educational psychology was studied. In order to measure their effectiveness, before and after each intervention, -a filmed interview ...
Psychometric properties of the EATQ-R among a sample of Catalan-speaking Spanish adolescents
The few studies that have been conducted into the psychometric properties of the EATQ-R, even fewer for the longer version, highlight the fact that its structure differs from that of the original. The aim of this study is ...
Psychometric properties of the EATQ-R among a sample of Catalan-speaking Spanish adolescents
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018)
Perfil da clientela de um programa de pronto-atendimento psicológico a estudantes universitários
(Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Departamento de Psicologia, 2004-04-01)
Pesquisas indicam que a caracterização da clientela de clínicas-escola de Psicologia fornece elementos para o aprimoramento dos serviços oferecidos. O presente estudo propõe-se a traçar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico ...
Perfil da clientela de um programa de pronto-atendimento psicológico a estudantes universitários
(Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Departamento de Psicologia, 2004-04-01)
Pesquisas indicam que a caracterização da clientela de clínicas-escola de Psicologia fornece elementos para o aprimoramento dos serviços oferecidos. O presente estudo propõe-se a traçar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico ...
Perfil da clientela de um programa de pronto-atendimento psicológico a estudantes universitários
(Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Departamento de Psicologia, 2014)
A implicação da família na gestão de empresas familiares
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-12-01)
In the family business the existence of family conflicts, added to the competitiveness and innovation in the business market requires a look at new strategies needed, the role of management in the conduct of proceedings, ...