Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 923
Rural unions and the struggle for land in Brazil
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015-11-02)
Studies of Brazil's agricultural labor movement have generally neglected its relationship to the struggle for land, but this is neither fair nor accurate. Analyzing the rural labor movement's historical contributions to ...
New working class, old challenges: unionism of outsourced workersNovo operariado, velhos desafios: o sindicalismo dos trabalhadores terceirizados
(FCL-UNESP Laboratório Editorial, 2011)
¿Y las mujeres dónde están? Una otra mirada al sindicalismo rural en Uruguay
(Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Agrarios. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2018)
Desde 2005 con el cambio de gobierno y la ampliación de derechos para el sector rural uruguayo, han cobrado interés las investigaciones sobre el sindicalismo rural. Hasta el momento, sin embargo, no se han preguntado dónde ...
Taylorism in the socialism that really existed
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2009-03)
The principal objective of the present paper is to analyse the introduction of Taylorism, understood as a capitalist way of managing production and labour, in the former Soviet Union. The application of this capitalist ...
Por uma organização autônoma do proletariado: sindicatos de ofício e os trabalhadores em São Paulo (1917-1930)
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-02-28)
Our work has as object of study the work of trade unions in the city of São Paulo between 1917 and 1930. As we tried to demonstrate during the research, trade unionism had a strong associative tradition in São Paulo from ...
(Univ Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita Filho, Fac Ciencias & Tecnologia, 2018-09-01)
The present text aims to give an overview of the teachers' union struggle against neoliberal reforms based on the comparison between Brazil and France. With this, we elected two unions, APEOESP (Union of Teachers of the ...
“Burócratas, corruptos y traidores”: moral y política en la izquierda sindical. Un análisis a partir de la experiencia de la contienda gremial en el SOIP (Mar del Plata, 1998-2006)“Burócratas, corruptos y traidores”: moral and politics in the union’s struggle. One analysis from the experience of union’ struggle. (SOIP, Mar del Plata, 1998-2006)
(Grupo de Estudios Sociales Marítimos, 2017-03)
Este trabajo analiza la contienda gremial en el SOIP, Sindicato Obrero de la Industria del Pescado en Mar del Plata, Argentina. A través del trabajo de archivo y el trabajo de campo, y luego de indagar en las prácticas ...
Labor Union Renewal in Argentina: Democratic Revitalization from the Base
(Sage Publications, 2011-11)
Despite the persecution of labor leaders and activists during the dictatorship of the 1970s and 1980s and the co-optation of the union leadership in the 1990s, in the past few years Argentine labor unions have regained ...