Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 254
Diversity of understory birds in old stands of native and Eucalyptus plantations
We compared the vegetation structure between old (>70 year) stands of planted diversified native forests and stands of Eucalyptus tereticornis embedded in a mosaic of Eucalyptus stands. We then tested for differences in ...
Abundance and movement of understory birds in a maulino forest fragmented by pine plantations
(SPRINGER, 2006-11)
Understory birds are especially vulnerable to habitat fragmentation because of the reduction in habitat quality and bird movement. We study the separate effects of understory, overstory and landscape on four understory ...
Effects of selective logging on a bird community in the Brazilian Atlantic forest
(Cooper Ornithological SocLawrenceEUA, 1999)
Importance of native bamboo for understory birds in Chilean temperate forests
(American Ornithological Society, 2004)
In South American temperate rainforests, five endemic understory birds (four Rhinocryptidae and one Furnariidae) are often associated with the main understory plant, the native bamboo Chusquea valdiviensis (Poaceae: ...
Can oil palm plantations become bird friendly?
(SPRINGER, 2010-10)
Despite the increasing claims that structural complexity in agroforestry plantations is a key variable for enhancing bird biodiversity, few studies have experimentally manipulated the understory component of structural ...
Enhancing avifauna in commercial plantations: Research note
The occurrence of fauna in commercial plantations is often associated with structural complexity. Through a meta-analysis, we tested whether the structural complexity of plantations could enhance bird species assemblages ...
Converting clear cutting into a less hostile habitat: The importance of understory for the abundance and movement of the Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet (Pteroptochos castaneus: Rhinocryptidae)
(Elsevier, 2017)
Sustainable forest management of commercial monoculture plantations may be difficult to achieve in plantations of Monterrey pine because these commercial monocultures are managed under a clear cutting system, where the ...
Linking forest structure and composition: Avian diversity in successional forests of Chiloé Island, Chile
We show how Chilean forest bird species richness, abundance and guild structure changes as a function of structural properties of forest stands. We surveyed bird assemblages in two old-growth (>200 years), two ...
Sampling understory birds in different habitat types using point counts and camera traps
(Elsevier, 2020)
Point counts are widely used to assess bird diversity. However, this method has some limitations and can be affected by observer bias. For this reason, it is commonly complemented with other methods (e.g., mist-nets, sound ...
Effects of structural and functional connectivity and patch size on the abundance of seven Atlantic Forest bird species
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2005)