Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2543
Vygotsky’s inner language and its relation to the unconscious system of Freud
This article develops a theoretical articulation between Freud’s conceptions about the functioning of the unconscious system and the phenomenon described by Vygotsky as “inner language.” We describe Vygotsky’s theoretical ...
Unconscious fantasy (or phantasy) as clinical concept
(Wiley, 2017)
A clinical phenomenology of the concept unconscious fantasy' attempts to describe it from a bottom-up' perspective, that is, from the immediate experience of the analyst working in session. Articles of psychoanalytic authors ...
The Effect of Teacher Unconscious Behaviors on the Collective Unconscious Behavior of the Classroom
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020)
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2016-04-01)
The study of conscious and unconscious dimensions of the human psyche, marks the own origins of psychology. Prevalent approaches, now about one dimension, now about other, led to different and antagonistic interpretations ...
Pierre Janet and unconscious psychic acts revealed by the psychic automatism of hysterical patients
(Assoc Univ Pequisa Psicopatologia FundamentalSao Paolo SpBrasil, 2008)
High pressures in room evacuation processes and a first approach to the dynamics around unconscious pedestrians
(Elsevier Science, 2017-10-15)
Clogging raises as the principal phenomenon during many evacuation processes of pedestrians in an emergency situation. As people push to escape from danger, compression forces may increase to harming levels. Many individuals ...
Triple-aspect monism: Physiological, mental unconscious and conscious aspects of brain activity
(Imperial College Press, 2014-06-01)
Brain activity contains three fundamental aspects: (a) The physiological aspect, covering all kinds of processes that involve matter and/or energy; (b) the mental unconscious aspect, consisting of dynamical patterns (i.e., ...