Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19
Mollusk communities differ between microenvironments within a shallow lake in the Pampean Region, ArgentinaComunidades de moluscos difieren entre microambientes en un lago somero de la región pampeana, Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2018-12)
The aim of this study is to compare the faunistic mollusk composition at a local scale, in different sites within a shallow lake, and to evaluate the relation between abundance and richness of mollusks and the environmental ...
Ancylidae from the department of antioquia – colombia, with new records (pulmonata, basommatophora)
(Caldasia, 2004)
In the department of Antioquia (Colombia) at 05°26´- 08°52´ North, 73°53´- 77°07´West (Anonymous, 1996), between 0 – 2600 m of altitude, were collected molluscsof the Ancylidae family with hand nets. Shells and animals ...
Mollusk successions of holocene shallow-lake deposits from the southeastern Pampa plain, Argentina
(Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2013-12)
We analyzed variations in taxonomic composition, abundance, and preservation of freshwater mollusks during the mid- to late Holocene in three shallow lakes of the southeastern Pampa plain. Mollusks were obtained from core ...
Environmental significance of freshwater mollusks in the Southern Pampas, Argentina: To what detail can local environments be inferred from mollusk composition?
(Springer, 2010-02)
The aim of the present contribution is to assess whether the abundance of mollusk species in the Southern Pampas (Argentina), an environmentally homogeneous region, reflect the local conditions of water bodies. In order ...
Análisis tafonómico de moluscos por debajo de la interfase agua-sedimento en la laguna Nahuel Rucá (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina)Taphonomic analysis of mollusks below the sediment-water interface in Nahuel Rucá lake (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina)
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2012-12)
Se analizó la preservación de los restos de moluscos por debajo de la interfase agua-sedimento en la laguna Nahuel Rucá (37°37’S-57°25’O) con el objetivo de determinar el grado de alteración tafonómica y estimar la extensión ...
Nuevos registros de moluscos para el cuaternario continental de Uruguay
(Asociación Latinoamericana de Malacología, 2020)
El Cuaternario continental tiene una amplia distribución a lo largo del territorio uruguayo. Contiene un variado contenido fosilífero, siendo bien conocida y estudiada su asociación de mamíferos típicos del Cuaternario de ...