Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 141
Presence of Arctotherium (Carnivora, Ursidae, Tremarctinae) in a pre-cultural level of Bano Nuevo-1 cave (Central Patagonia, Chile)
(CSIC, 2015)
The description of an I-3 assigned to Arctotherium sp. obtained from the Bano Nuevo-1 site (Central Patagonia, Chile) is presented. The finding was recovered from Layer 5 and it is associated to Macrauchenia sp., Lama ...
Phylogenetic signal analysis in the basicranium of Ursidae (Carnivora, Mammalia)
(PeerJ, 2019-03)
Ursidae is a monophyletic group comprised of three subfamilies: Tremarctinae, Ursinae and Ailuropodinae, all of which have a rich geographical distribution. The phylogenetic relationships within the Ursidae group have been ...
Tremarctos ornatus (F.G.Cuvier, 1825)Tremarctos lasalleiOso frontino, oso andino, oso sudamericano, ucumari y jukumari
(Universidad de La Salle. Museo de La Salle, 2015)