Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27
Modeling and Identification of an Open-frame Underwater Vehicle: The Yaw Motion Dynamics
A semi-autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), named LAURS, is being developed at the Laboratory of Sensors and Actuators at the University of Sao Paulo. The vehicle has been designed to provide inspection and ...
Experimental model identification of open-frame underwater vehicles
(Kidlington, 2014-02-27)
Most of the works published on hydrodynamic parameter identification of open-frame underwater vehicles focus their attention almost exclusively on good coherence between simulated and measured responses, giving less ...
Synthesis of a finite-time convergence controller for trajectory tracking of unmanned underwater vehicles
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-06)
Unmanned underwater vehicles have gained importance since they can perform tasks in underwater environments such as exploration and construction. Proper control of the vehicle trajectory is fundamental for successfully ...
Diseño y desarrollo de una estructura de software-hardware para implementar un nuevo autopiloto sobre un AUV (Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle)
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2019)
En este proyecto se presenta parte del trabajo de una línea de investigación con miras en robótica autónoma, específicamente en el desarrollo de submarinos para que sean del tipo AUV. Concretamente se trabajó en la ...
Design of a Hydrodynamic Profile for an Unmanned Underwater Device Using Numerical Simulation
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
The present work proposes the design of a hydrodynamic profile for unmanned submarine devices through numerical simulation, thus facilitating experimental studies and reducing manufacturing costs. Design and manufacturing ...
Veículos aéreos não tripulados e sistema de entrega: estudo, desenvolvimento e testesUnmanned aerial vehicles and delivery system: study, development and testing
Diseño, modelado y simulación de un vehículo submarino autónomo no tripulado.
(Universidad de Concepción., 2023)
En este trabajo se presenta el diseño de un vehículo submarino autónomo no tripulado abreviado AUV, comprendido por sensores capaces de percibir la posición y ambiente que lo rodea. Se describe el modelo del vehículo junto ...