Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
How unimodular gravity theories differ from general relativity at quantum level
(Springer, 2015-10-06)
We investigate path integral quantization of two versions of unimodular gravity. First a fully diffeomorphism-invariant theory is analyzed, which does not include a unimodular condition on the metric, while still being ...
Gravidade unimodular como um possível cenário cosmológico
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-11-05)
O presente estudo, que constitui um trabalho de conclusão de curso de especialização em Teoria da Relatividade, tem como objetivo solucionar o problema da constante cosmológica com uso da teoria alternativa à Relatividade ...
Unified formalism for Palatini gravity
(World Scientific, 2017-12-12)
This paper is devoted to the construction of a unified formalism for Palatini and unimodular gravity. The idea is to employ a relationship between unified formalism for a Griffiths variational problem and its classical ...
Correspondence of F(R) gravity singularities in Jordan and Einstein frames
We study the finite time singularity correspondence between the Jordan and Einstein frames for various F(R) gravity theories. Particularly we investigate the ordinary pure F(R) gravity case and the unimodular F(R) gravity ...
Unimodular gravity theory with external sources in a Lorentz-symmetry breaking scenario
This paper is dedicated to the study of interactions between stationary field sources for the linearized unimodular gravity or the Weyl plus transverse diffeomorphism (WTDIFF) theory in a model that exhibits Lorentz-symmetry ...
Weyl and transverse diffeomorphism invariant spin-2 models in D= 2 + 1
There are two covariant descriptions of massless spin-2 particles in D= 3 + 1 via a symmetric rank-2 tensor: the linearized Einstein–Hilbert (LEH) theory and the Weyl plus transverse diffeomorphism (WTDIFF) invariant model. ...
Análise canônica da teoria gravitacionalCanonical analysis of gravitational theory
(Universidade Federal de LavrasPrograma de Pós-graduação em FísicaUFLAbrasilDepartamento de Física, 2018)
The dimensional reduction of linearized spin-2 theories invariant under transverse diffeomorphisms
Here we perform the Kaluza–Klein dimensional reduction from D+ 1 to D dimensions of massless Lagrangians described by a symmetric rank-2 tensor and invariant under transverse differmorphisms (TDiff). They include the ...