Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 228
Ulva lactuca: A bioindicator for anthropogenic contamination and its environmental remediation capacity
(Elsevier, 2021-08)
Coastal regions are subjected to degradation due to anthropogenic pollution. Effluentsloaded with variable concentrations of heavy metal, persistent organic pollutant, as wellas nutrients are discharged in coastal areas ...
Efecto del prebiótico inulina y el alga verde Ulva lactuca en el crecimiento, supervivencia y sistema inmune de Litopenaeus vannamei, cultivado en condiciones experimentales
The culture of Litopenaeus vannamei is a very important productive activity in
northwestern Mexico. In this research we evaluated the prebiotic inulin and the green
algae Ulva lactuca in the growth, survival and immune ...
Utilização da macroalga Ulva lactuca linnaeus na redução de nutrientes (NH4+,NO3- e PO4-2) provenientes da carcinicultura
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Bioecologia AquáticaBioecologia Aquática, 2006-09-11)
Ácaros marinos (arachnida: acari) asociados al alga ulva lactuca de la bahía de taganga (Santa Marta, Colombia)
(Universidad del MagdalenaFacultad de Ciencias BásicasBiología, 2018)
Ulva Lactuca: Adsorption, Bioaccumulation and Remediation
(Nova Science Publishers, 2020)
Pollution of natural waters has become a major issue all over the world. As a result, scientists are studying new and alternative technologies not only to identify the presence of different pollutants in the environments ...
Calidad microbiológica de Ulva lactuca y Ulva clathrata (Chlorophyta) de la costa de La Paz B.C.S., México
(CICIMAR Oceánides, 2008)
Total, fecal coliforms and the enterococcus group in Ulva lactuca and U. clathrata were measured in four localities of the coast line of La Paz, B.C.S, Mexico. Levels of fecal coliforms in water were below the standard of ...
Co-biosorption of copper and glyphosate by Ulva lactuca
(Elsevier, 2013-01)
This study investigated the adsorption of glyphosate (PMG) onto the green algae Ulva lactuca. PMG was not adsorbed by U. lactuca but PMG was adsorbed when the process was mediated by Cu(II) with molar ratios Cu(II):PMG ≥ ...
Metal assessment and cellular accumulation dynamics in the green macroalga Ulva lactuca
We have tested Ulva lactuca Linnaeus as a metal biomonitor by measuring the concentrations of metals copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and mercury (Hg) in its biomass and in nearby sediments, within impacted and ...
Obtención de gas combustible mediante la bioconversión del alga marina Ulva lactuca.
(Instituto de Oceanología, 2010)
Uno de los biocombustibles más comunes y conocidos es el biogás, el cual puede ser obtenido mediante la bioconversión de diferentes materias orgánicas. Aunque poco conocido en nuestro país, también se puede obtener biogás ...